Richtig (Barfuß-)laufen?
Hallo liebe Experten,
seit einiger Zeit bin ich mit sogenannten „Barfußschuhen“ unterwegs. Diese habe eine sehr dünne, flexible Sohle und eine breitere Zehenbox wie herkömmliche Schuhe.
Sprich diese sollen bestmöglich das Barfußlaufen imitieren.
Nun liest und hört man viel, das es dazu anscheinend eine Technik zum „richtigen“ Laufen gibt. Da die Ferse ja keine Unterstützung mehr hat durch ein gedämpftes Fußbett, kann dies sehr unangenehm sein permanent mit der Ferse auszutreten.
Nun hoffe ich auf eine oder mehrere Antworten von langjährigen erfahrenen oder gar Experten in diesem Bereich.
Da ich prinzipiell gerne barfuß bin und diese Schuhe sehr bequem finde, möchte ich das gewissermaßen auch „richtig“ machen.
Grüße Lea ☺️
Hello! Forefoot is the way. Trying to run on the bale with slightly bent knees, but the heel should not touch the ground. When the foot is set, the heel must not be higher than 2 cm from the ground.
Keep the upper body straight and slightly bent forward, it should be a slight feeling of tilting forward. Make short steps, the foot has to rest before the knee.
The forefoot race is the natural running style of man, as he runs barefoot as well.
For this, however, minimum shoes are optimal. One of the best runners of all time –Haile Gebrselassie –also running forefoot. Look.
Thank you for the detailed answer ☺️
Try it best on different backgrounds. Learning a certain “technology” does not make sense. When walking, one naturally occurs first with the heel, first with the forefoot when running (jogging/race).
Unfortunately, one is repeatedly told that the “Ballengang” would be the natural way to move on barefoot, which is not quite conclusive in itself.
I think that this video is very well explained:
My tip for the beginning would be to wear a pair of shoes in everyday life, which you can quickly pull on and off and then try it on different occasions. You will learn which backgrounds feel good and with which you have problems. On the pleasant backgrounds, you can take longer walks of barefoot and allow your body to adapt to the barefooting without compelling yourself to a certain gear.
Love greetings and great success
The best style is one that exerts low loads on the joints.
When you get up with the forefoot on the floor and kneel with slightly bent, you allow your to spring down the step. If you were with stretched knees on the heel, then that would go fully on the wrists.
It’s best to try out different things and find out what’s best for you. This is also different in the flat, uphill or downhill, on hard or soft floors.
Thanks for your answer ðŸ ̃‰
The right “technology” is that of normal running or walking. A shoe is actually completely unnatural, our skeleton can actually support us wonderfully and that is exactly what we need to learn during barefoot running. I would even recommend you to leave the barefoot shoe at times
And then completely without shoes?😅
Which substrate best?
Everyone, that’s what it’s about, you want to go back to the natural gang
Barefoot MUST run differently than in shoes, keyword ball.
This makes the body automatically after a reconciliation phase because the hold is the natural gear
Yes, the problem is that no one knows how to do that. And the body needs as you say a certain time and until there you do it wrong and that can lead to problems even if you do not know that you have flat feet or anything else.
The right technique is the ball.
Other running techniques can cause health problems.
Can you describe it more precisely?😊
Please googeln ðŸ ̃‰ at Youtube there are videos and Wikipedia ask ðŸ ̃‰