Richtig abmehmen?
Hallöchen, ich (weiblich) habe vor knapp 2 Monaten mit der App Yazio meine Ernährung angefangen zu tracken mit der Hoffnung abzunehmen.
Zusätzlich dazu gehe ich 2-3 mal die Woche ins Gym und ich habe meinen Grundumsatz vom 1355 Kalorien bestimmen lassen und trotzdem hat sich bis dato auf meiner Waage nichts getan, obwohl ich mich weitgehenst so ernährt habe wie ich sollte.
Was mach ich falsch
It’s too little. You need to take a minimum of 1400-1500Kcal a day. If you eat too little, your metabolism will eventually stumble and you won’t lose anything.
A normal body burns so c.a 1800Kcal-2200Kcal. (Now with a woman as an example) You have to take off 200-300kcal and you’re in a healthy calorie deficit. If you naturally go to the gym and build up muscles will do on the scale nix as muscles are heavier than fat. The scale remains the same or even rises, but you still lose body fat and then see it in the mirror.
I’d throw the scale away anyway. It can vary from one day to another by 1kg. Depending on what you ate or whether you had your ovulation (if you are a woman). Better take photos every two weeks.
So I used the gym’s body fat, and my body fat content has even risen more than it takes off. I can’t explain this, but then I re-establish the calorie deficit.
then you are not in the calorie deficit. a calorie calculator cannot know how much you consume. So you have to eat less or move more. if you really eat only 1400kcal then move more because that is very little. can also be you wrongly tracks
I definitely can’t eat less. But I’m moving a lot
Eat healthy and balanced and eat less. Sport and movement in combination support your project.
A pound per week is realistic and healthy.
You don’t have to count, weigh, leave, etc.