Rezeptidee Reis?


Ich schreibe morgen Abitur und wollte mir was leckeres, nichts warmes und nichts stark riechendes zu Essen mitnehmen.

Ich habe von heute noch Reis übrig, hätte noch Paprika und Tomate, verschiedene Soßen oder hartgekochte Eier zu Hause. Kann man da etwas draus machen ohne zu kochen oder zu braten?

Danke im Voraus 🙂

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1 year ago


I’ll get an ancient recipe from my aunt. If saturating, do not smell, you can eat cold and warm:

  • Apply milk rice (or normal rice with milk). Not too much sugar – the fruits bring some with
  • some tropical fruits (then it tastes better)
  • mix two eggs, depending on the amount.
  • The whole in a guglhupf-shape in the air circulation stove, approx. Bake 30.45 min until it becomes brown. It is faster if you have several smaller guglhupf shapes.
  • cut into cake pieces and take with them. It’s juicy and can be lifted for a few days.

Don’t worry – is a secret recipe of my aunt.

1 year ago

Either you make salad out or you make rice balls filled with the remaining ingredients.

Where around everything in the world you write JETZT Abitur?

1 year ago
Reply to  DeppGirl

Well, I wish you a lot of success tomorrow.