Rezept nur als Foto bei Apotheke einlösen?

Hallo, ich habe ein Rezept von der Apotheke abholen lassen, weil ich gerade nicht vor Ort ging (lange Geschichte, auf die Karte ging nicht, es ging nichts anderes) Es ist ein BTM Rezept, jetzt hab ich das nicht in der Nähe, ich bin sehr weit weg.

Ich hab ein Foto davon. Gibt es die Möglichkeit bei der Apotheke das Rezept mit einem Foto einzulösen und dann sobald das Rezept mit der Post hier ist nachzureichen?

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2 months ago

Redemption of a BTM recipe (a drug formulation) places particular requirements on safety and traceability. In Germany, the handling of drugs is subject to strict legal regulations which regulate both the exhibition and the levy.

In principle, it is necessary for the dispensing of anesthetic agents that the original recipe is present, since the pharmacist must record the recipe in his database and carry a corresponding documentation. A photo of the recipe alone is usually not sufficient to legally redeem a BTM recipe. The recipe must be in the original in accordance with the legal provisions in order to ensure the release of agents and to comply with the documentation and control requirements.

Some pharmacies could find a solution with you in exceptional cases, for example by adding the recipe as soon as it was delivered to you. However, this practice is not generally valid and must be discussed with the pharmacy in individual cases. It is also conceivable that the pharmacy must refuse a preliminary charge until the original recipe is present.

I recommend that you contact the pharmacy directly in which you want to redeem the recipe in order to clarify whether they can make an exception under certain conditions and what the other procedure looks like. In any case, you should send the original recipe to the pharmacy as soon as possible in order to avoid possible problems with the delivery.

In summary, it can be said that a photo of a BTM recipe in most cases is not sufficient to correctly redeem the recipe. An individual consultation with the pharmacy is necessary.

2 months ago
Reply to  Parisien242

Nice KI answer

2 months ago

For BTM medicines, the original with the desired punches is required. A photo isn’t enough, I gave it the wrong data on the recipe. But on consultation with my psychiatrist, the pharmacist has because I was actually regular with the drug it was changed and properly published.

You can’t just expect that. So is the strict regulation .

2 months ago

No, not at all in the BtM area.

You were given the recipe. Then only the original counts.

2 months ago

Rather not, but call before in the pharmacy, it may save you a superfluous way.

2 months ago

I don’t think a pharmacy is going to depend on it, not on BTM.

2 months ago

No, not possible. Insured card is necessary or show ERezept App

2 months ago

I can’t. Not at all at BTM.