Rex 450 springt schlecht und nur mit Gas an? Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter bitte Hilfe?
Guten Tag,
Ich habe seid kurzem einen rex 450 aber das Problem dass er nicht anspringt und wenn nur sehr schwerfällig und mit zusätzlich Gas.
Ich habe diesen schon so gekauft da er eine Weile stand und ich den vergaser vermutete.
Ich habe ihn gereinigt obwohl er vor ca 2 Jahren getauscht wurde.
Er sah soweit gut aus aber es half nicht.
Ich habe jetzt einen neuen vergaser verbaut
Dann auch gleich den Aussaugstutzen das Distanzstück und die dazugehörige Dichtung.
Es half alles nichts ich starte ihn normal es passiert nichts und mit Gas nur schwerfällig.
Wenn er warm ist bzw eine Weile lief läuft er wie ein Bienchen und so konnte ich den vergaser auch einstellen .
Aber sobald er 10 min stand ist das gleiche wieder da (dauert nur nicht so lange bis er wieder läuft.
Mittlerweile habe ich die cdi, Zündkerze(nicht neu aber gut gebraucht), Zündkabel und Zündspule(ja ein Teil, gebraucht)und die Batterie getauscht aber auch nichts besser geworden.
Ventile sind eingestellt und Öl gewechselt.
Kompression ist meines Erachtens da(von Hand deutlich merkbarer Wiederstand)
Zündfunke ist auch da und wie ich meine auch nicht zu schwach.
Luftfilter ist nicht dicht und ohne ist es auch nicht besser(vergaser natürlich auch darauf angepasst)
E-choke war neu zum vergaser und funktioniert.
Ich habe ihn heute einfach mal ein bisschen gefahren und auch mit gehobenen Hinterrad ihm Drehzahl gegeben . Dabei viel mir auf das viel Ruß aus dem Auspuff kam aber nur die ersten male.
Ich wollte es morgen nochmal probieren oder jemand hat noch eine Idee.
Danke im voraus.
He’s running too fat. So, if he gets a little bit off at the beginning, he’ll clean up.
If he’s cold: 5 seconds start, then spark plug out if she’s wet. That would be “offended” at the beginning. Furthermore: What does the spark plug have for a supporting image: Is it worn or rehbraun or white? Forget is too fat, it should be white.
Next point: If this is always the case, you can reproduce it easily. Does the thing have ignition sparks during the first seconds (take the tint out and put it on the outside to see it) or not?
What’s the point with the saying, is enough fuel coming into the chamber or what does it not want? If the thing starts so badly, the float level can’t fit and it has to follow Sprit.
You write something about extensive exchanges and adjustments: have you done that right? Because if you did that according to Youtube o.A. (the language tube of the stupid Murkser) and the scooter had a problem with anything at that time, your screwdriving can also add a second or third error… that would be to consider because even if there isn’t much to screw here, you must still be able to do that. Example Harley or Moto Guzzi: The things have such a bad reputation or stay so often because many people mean “that’s a simple motor” and just screw it around. They screw the thing so that it constantly makes problems. After that it’s called “the junk” and not “I fucked up”. Please bear in mind: You should only screw if you also know what to do and that can be done accordingly.
Look at the list of what you’ve already done, but I also have to say quite clearly: If you went with that thing into a workshop that would have searched for the error and fixed the defect. That would have come you cheaper than the expenses of the previous screwdrivers… and so far you’ve put a lot of time and money in, even though this thing still has the problem. Therefore, the money, in my opinion, was the money that was thrown out of the window!
On the info I am professional Kfz mechatronics, that is because the procedure is not entirely unknown to me, but my knowledge is also limited in this roller.
So how to adjust valves and adjust carburetor I should have done right
Valve inlet with sensor glue 0.05mm
outlet 0.1 mm(all slightly sucked)
I set carburetor in warm
Fuel valve completely pure out there one revolution and then started and rotated out until the speed no longer went higher.
Or was it wrong
He doesn’t know himself, it was only where I gave him high speeds and not permanently. Therefore, I confess that it was the remains in the exhaust that have deposited over time.
I tested the spark with kickstarter, in the cold and with the developed spark plug
Candles looked black at the last moments but and to say that more precisely I would look today.
Candle was the last paint not dry but also not drinking wet.
I filled up new ones and left old ones before.
Hoses and filters are i.o.
So, of course, I don’t know if I’ve done everything a hundred percent right. But when you dive, you can’t do much wrong, and for the rest, I have reported myself here and hope you tell me how it goes and help me find the mistake, even if I have made him vllt himself in.
Of course, I put on OT.
T Marking and control on the camshaft wheel.
Small info for all those who have a similar problem.
I found the fault, it was the vacuum-controlled gasoline valve.
This was leaking and as a result, he sucked over it extra gasoline, via the vacuum line, at the suction pipe. That as described above led to baptism.
Nevertheless, thanks to the helpers, your answer has made me look more closely.
Thank you.
So I watched now and the spark plug is lightly foggy with sprit when I start without gas
But when I start with gas it is black
Okay, but what exactly can I do now?
Does it have to do with the haubt needle?
Sounds like an unclean ignition because if the carburetor is set, he doesn’t even run fatter or leaner. If the spark plug is wet, I guess there was no spark.