Rewe Bonus – Datenschutz?


Nach dem Wechsel von Rewe zu Rewe Bonus würde ich gerne wissen, wie jetzt mit Daten umgegangen wird. Diese Bonusprogramme sind ja “eigentlich dazu da”, die Daten zu “verkaufen” und somit Geld zu verdienen. Wie sieht es da mit Rewe Bonus aus? Besser/Schlechter als bei Payback?

Hatte jetzt noch nicht so viel Lust die ganze Datenschutzerklärung zu lesen, vielleicht hat das ja einer von euch gemacht und kann es mir zusammenfassen.


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2 months ago

REWE Bonus collects data such as purchasing behavior, uses it for personalized advertising and shares it only within the REWE Group.

Payback also exchanges data with partners. Both do not sell the data. REWE is more data protection-friendly.


2 months ago

The data there are especially valuable for Rewe or the Group because you can get data from customers and accordingly align the offer, equipment, assortment and target group-relevant advertising.

Other companies or trade marks could start much less with the data. Therefore they are not resold

In addition, everything is in the apps’ terms and conditions. You have to read it.

2 months ago
Reply to  xShxdxw

As said, it will be roughly formulated in the GTCs. Selling makes little sense and would promote competition. Own research about the customers already.

2 months ago

The longer and more small-printed these explanations are the more the data is made.

You already summarized the meaning and purpose. You may have to start from all the data you generate with your behavior.

That’s why I can only guess: cash numbers. And everywhere.

In addition, you must not use the program at all if you have not read the privacy policy at all.

2 months ago

Your personal information is sold to hundreds of advertising companies.