Rettungsgasse blockiert was kommt auf mich zu?
ich bin vorhin vom Urlaub gekommen und bin ganz normal auf der Autobahn gefahren, aufeinmal kam von hinten ein Feuerwehr und Krankenwagen, ich habe natürlich Platz gemacht es sind 5 Stück im Anstand von 5 min durch gefahrenen.
mich wollte mich dann langsam wieder links einordnen weil nichts mehr Kamm, dann Blitze es von hinten (ein auto) also wieder nach rechts. Kurze Zeit später habe ich es wieder rechts versucht (War davor die ganze Zeit auf der mittleren eigentlich) dann sehe ich von hinten wie der Mann mich aufnimmt und vor fährt und mich fragt ob ich weis was rettungsassestau ist und ich bejahte es, daraufhin sagte er mir das er Beweise hat und mir die Polizei es mir richtig zeigen wird.
wenn er mich anzeigt(was ich denke weil er wirklich mich 10 min verfolgt hat ) was kann auf mich zukommen ? Kann ich deswegen mein Führerschein abgeben ? Ich habe ja alle durch gelassen und keine gefährdet
Theoretically a thick fine and I now also believe a point. Practically nothing comes anyway. The world is full of smart people who have to tell you how it works. Just make sure that you keep the rescue lane free and that no vehicle is driving in the way is good.
Yes for 1 month if it would really be evaluated as this fact
A friend thinks it can be that my lobe is removed from me, right?
Well, in extreme cases, I think you can get a driving ban. But because you’ve made a lock on a rescue truck for a moment, nothing will happen. Only if you’re evolving like a dummy bag in front of any blue light rescue vehicle or you’re primarily standing like nobody’s coming by, I could imagine. But according to your description, it doesn’t sound like that.
The world is full of smart people who have to tell you how it works.
And as it looks, there must be.
Well, as I understand the (something) story, nothing was really dramatic. In this respect, the driver, who probably himself had the phone in his hand at the wheel, should take his own nose. You don’t need stupid helpers everywhere.
Not forever. If ever, four weeks or so. But seriously, nothing will come.
I’m worried because he meant it so seriously, I’m afraid I’m losing my driving license forever
Sure, that basically documents more, but certainly also suboptimal. Like I said, turn a gear down and relax. There’s nothing going on anyway.
And how about video?
Images don’t show up anyway. These are just snapshots, seconds. No action can be derived from this
Well, theoretically, it could be documented by a private person.
But one must also consider, of course, that this private person is not supposed to use a phone at the wheel while driving, so it could do the passenger at most.
Apart from that, the question is whether the outside person who wants to document that does so to an adequate extent at all, he would have to document how the rescue vehicles start, how your way of driving is before and how your fault looks.
Like I said, I’d calm down. Most of them have a big mouth and are then behind anyway too lazy to show. What’s the other driver got from it? Nothing as trouble and work. And he wasn’t even affected in that sense. Don’t worry about it.
The man has made several pictures
This must be documented by the rescue personnel. Or is it enough if I do it as a private person?
In theory. But I think that only happens when you have blocked the rescue gate for a sensed eternity, either because you didn’t move to the left or to the right in spite of trucks behind you, or because you haven’t formed the rescue gate for standing traffic and thus blocked the rescue vehicles from behind in the long term. And even there it would have to be officially documented and displayed, which certainly does not always happen automatically. I wouldn’t worry too much now.
I’m taking my driver’s license, something like that can happen. ?
Ah, there’s nothing that wanted to be important.
How can it be that the person asks you in the middle of the highway what the rescue lane is and shows you a video?
Did the video show me where I was driving (was dam )
For not forming a rescue lane (without actual disability or danger), 200€ penalty, 2 points and 1 month driving ban will be imposed, regardless of whether this applies to you or not.
A friend thinks it can also be that my lobe is removed from me
Yes for 1 month if it really was evaluated as this fact.
Yes for 1 month if it would really be evaluated as this fact
From 240 Euro bus money up and two points. I’d double the bus money on purpose.
You don’t understand the question