Retoure QR Code zeigt meine Adresse an Geld und Paket weg?
Also ich bin 14 habe ein 500€ teures Paket gekauft und es hat mir dann nicht mehr gefallen. Ich habe dann einen Rücksendeerstattung gestartet und habe das Paket mit dem Rücksendeticket beziehungsweise QR-Code bei der DHL Filiale zurückgeschickt dann bekam ich nach zwei Wochen die Nachricht, dass ich das Paket nicht zurückgegeben habe und erhalte somit mein Geld nicht mehr. In der Sendungsverfolgung steht, dass das Paket elektronisch angekündigt wird. Ich weiß nicht weiter ein Beleg habe ich von der DHL nicht bekommen. Laut der DHL somit habe ich noch keinen Beweis dafür, dass ich es abgeschickt habe. Ich danke im Voraus für die Antwort.
If the employee in the branch scans the QR code, the system automatically prints the label AND the delivery document. He can’t forget it or suppress it.
In addition, the consignment number is also marked as sent.
Something doesn’t fit in your story!!
This with the document can be but that with the broadcast number is true I have sent the package to scan the QR code and that was it after 2 weeks I did not get the return money and check it out and there was still electronically announced I urgently ask for help I am 14 and the package
has a value of 500€ I have let a research start but DHL came to the decision that I will not get the money as I have no proof. What can I do now if there’s anything going wrong now is the package gone and my money and that’s what I’m supposed to accept? The employee has given me a letter with stamp and signature if this should be sufficient as proof
Sounds unlikely.
and with a real return carriage the seller carries the shipping risk.
and on the basis of the sendummer it can be seen that there is the package.
but whether you have been allowed to make the purchase at all and have the right against dealers and DHL remains outside with reference to business.
So the postal worker scanned the QR code, printed the label, glued to the package and you didn’t receive a delivery receipt or ask for one?
No, it’s what I’m talking about when the number is shown that I wouldn’t have sent the pocket
I understood that, so my question as to how the mail went.
Aha…and in heaven is fair!
Stories from the Paulanergarten.
So I got a document but lost
Can you or do you not want to answer the question?
You can’t prove delivery to DHL. That is why there is clearly no refund.
This story sounds very suspicious to me.