Restwert des Autos zu tief nach Leasing?
Hallo, wie kann es sein, dass eine Leasingfirma Restwert des Autos von 15’000€ bei 40’000km berechnet, wenn alle Modelle mit 40’000km im Netz minimum 50-60’000€ kosten?
Ist das normal oder Abzocke?
Hallo, wie kann es sein, dass eine Leasingfirma Restwert des Autos von 15’000€ bei 40’000km berechnet, wenn alle Modelle mit 40’000km im Netz minimum 50-60’000€ kosten?
Ist das normal oder Abzocke?
Hallo zusammen, kann ich mir mit 700 Euro monatlich ein eigenes Auto leisten? Natürlich soll am Ende noch bisschen was übrig bleiben. falls ja hättet ihr Vorschläge welche Autos man holen könnte?
Die Frage ist nur aus Interesse, weil ich meinen Führerschein neu bekommen habe
Servus, kann man ein Halbautomatik auf Automatik beim Smart BJ 2010 umbauen? wenn ja wie? was kostet es? gibt es eine Anleitung Step für Step? LG
Hallo, würdet ihr einen BMW e90 320 Diesel mit 230.000km kaufen ? Auto ist bei einem Händler, Baujahr 201.
Wenn ja, wieviel % auf welcher Scheibe?
In the case of KFZ leasing, there are essentially two types of contract, which are limited by kilometres and which are fixed at a fixed residual value without a kilometre limit.
In both cases, the residual value is a calculatory residual value which does not have to be as high as the presumed market value at the end of the lease term.
Each leasing calculation is an interest rate attributable, so the residual value at a low monthly rate is higher than at a higher monthly rate, the same leasing period is underlying.
At least in the case of residual value contracts, it is even common that the residual value of leasing companies is set to be lower than the presumed market value for the leasing company only for security reasons, since, as mentioned, a lower residual value entails a higher monthly leasing rate and therefore, in the case of a premature loss of payment on the part of the leasing user, a higher monthly leasing rate has already been cancelled by it (even if no internally).
If you can buy the car at the end of the runtime, you only have to pay the very low calculatory residual value in your case or the higher market value, then the leasing company decides. I.d.R. you will only have to pay the calculatory residual value.
This is explained in more detail here: value-and-km/
Then buy it for residual value and sell it.
Yes, that would make sense, only it takes 2 years and costs 80’000€ for leasing
In 2 years you don’t pay 80,000€ Leasing rates
You have your answer. What makes you think they are currently at €50,000-60,000
He did not write that in his question, nor in his commentary.
With a Taycan Turbo with full load already.
Depends on the running performance and the damages caused.
it is usually free to buy the car and sell it yourself
Running capacity 10’000km/year, 2 years. At first 20’000km. Logically, no damage is accepted, I’d pay for it.
All models with 40.000km running power for 50-60.000€, of which you only dream
can be an action / promo .. if necessary, it is residual value for certain models higher since these are just at the beginning but other models are already cancelled.
I would never make residual value leasing always KM leasing.
The car costs 250’000. Rest after 4 years and 40,000km at 15’000€??
What kind of car are we talking about? To make a picture
Then it’s not a turbo. The cheapest at are €75,000 at 35,000km
My question is how to get to 15k if the car otherwise costs 60k with equal miles
It’s hard to understand the question.
Usually, people who can afford such a car can afford their personal tax advisor and also have expertise in financial matters.
Where do you look, I have black on white several with 40,000km for 60k
You write Taycan Turbo and $50,000-60,000. The cheapest is €70,000 with over 120,000km
Don’t understand your question, I just looked on the Porsche side. if I pay the car Lease you pay 4300€ leasing per month x 48 = 205.735.20€ then the car goes back. You can’t buy it for the residual value that is not provided. KM Leasing
What do you mean?
Can’t be, right? Logically, the company wants me to buy the car as it is “attractively cheap” later. But that’s not possible, is it?
You got something wrong, I think.
Taycan Turbo
these are the wigs at leasing, the “thick end” comes to the end.
The leasing rates from television advertising are nice to go.
Mercedes Driving for 199 euros a month this cannot work.
The thing is that I don’t know if I want to buy the car.
But how can they justify a residual value of €15’000 if all are online for €60’000 with the same mileage?
do I see that right that you leased a car for a list price of 250,000 euros??
Again, I didn’t say anything, I’m close to it. Money is not the problem, but I’m not a multimillionaire who can throw money out the window. The question remains simple as I asked it above. Can you answer that or don’t you know?
in the other question you mention that your leasing rate was just 1000 euros a month.
Sorry, this can’t work at the back and at the front. You seem to have leased a car, which you could never have afforded, and the leasing company went along. Be glad it’s a new vehicle because you don’t want to know the repair costs of the part.
Get a lawyer and see how you get out of the number.
Well, the question is not so difficult. It is normal that a leasing company can calculate 15k for a 60k car residual value and can therefore calculate more leasing costs to me.
Pretty simple question if you know the answer, right? Yes/No answer, a justification would be nice to support the reliability of the answer.
Someone who can afford such a car, who gives such a contract to his lawyer.
Or you’re a football player who sign everything. Sorry, I can’t understand the story.
No. the car costs new 250k, huge value loss due to electric unpopular, now it costs 80,000€ after 4 years and 20’000km.
With 40’000km it costs 60’000€ on the net, how does the leasing company come to 15’000€??
these are Indian abscocks that have left it on your credit cards