Reststrom schaltet iPhone an, schädlich?
Blöde Frage, aber mich interessiert es und lerne gerne dazu.
folgenedes —> iPhone (15 max) war aus , aber nicht leer
ich wollte es laden und die Steckerleiste war ausgeschaltet (also kein Stromfluss)
Dennoch hat sich das IPhone durch das anstecken eingeschaltet, durch Reststrom in den Kondensatoren im Adapter
Nun meine Frage, es wird wohl nur round about 1 Sekunde Strom zum Akku angekommen sein (es hat sich ja auch eingeschaltet)
ist sowas schädlich das es nur kurz 1 Sekunde geladen hat dieses bisschen restliche Strom? Vorallem weil es auch deswegen angegangen, ist diese 1 Sekunde Strom und dann direkt unterbrochen, besorgt mich etwas
So you say your phone’s breaking because it’s loaded?
In addition, I believe with cable whenever it is not empty, even without electricity.
It’s about booting after approx. 1 second charge was interrupted (adapter was net in the socket). Can’t assess whether that was harmful
and it has happened to me more often only in switched-off mode, the residual current shows 100% 1-2 seconds charging with the remaining current in the capacitor
This doesn’t matter, since the start process is not interrupted.
So the start process is completely insulated despite triggering by current that was only triggered by a command? That calms me
tja, in the worst case, your accustomed. Then you have to charge him. follow: More charging cycles more electricity consumption more battery waste!
Really? as I said, the battery was not empty, it was at 20% and I turned off myself before saving battery. Only the short interruption is something where I think it could be harmful when switching on after it occurred to me directly I switched on the plug bar and continued normally
It’s not supposed to happen all the time, but 1x is not bad.
Not more harmful than normal battery wear.
So the battery is an interruption after 1 second after the start of charging virtually no matter? My instinct I’d rather ask myself
Do you want me to paint it? 🙄
That’s 20 years old.
Just look over in 630,000,000 seconds.
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