Restaurantessen ohne Getränk bestellen?
Also, damit ist kein „All-you-can-eat”-Buffet oder Abend-Dinner gemeint, welche ja schon mal länger dauern und wobei man quasi ein Getränk braucht. Gemeint ist ein Essen tagsüber im Restaurant.
Also, damit ist kein „All-you-can-eat”-Buffet oder Abend-Dinner gemeint, welche ja schon mal länger dauern und wobei man quasi ein Getränk braucht. Gemeint ist ein Essen tagsüber im Restaurant.
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Sie hat sich zwischendurch am Kopf gekratzt (hat große fettige Schuppen) und dann den fertig geschnibbelten Salat mit der Hand genommen und in ein Behälter getan. Das Retaurant ist sehr schick. Hat eine große Weinbar, sehr schönes Ambiente und schöne Toiletten mit richtigen Handtüchern. Also alles sehr fein, aber liefert auch. (Das Restaurant ist einem…
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Hallo, ich habe mir gerade Buldak 2x Spicy gekauft. Ich bin 13 Jahre alt. Ich kann Auch Takis gerade noch so ohne Trinken essen. Besteht eine Gefahr das ich irgendwie keine Luft mehr oder so bekomme oder sollte wenn ich mit Milch und Wasser vorbereitet bin nichts passieren?
I always need a drink to eat. I drink, seen over the day, a lot in general. For dinner in the restaurant, I usually take a quarter of white wine and, as I am usually accompanied, a large bottle of mineral water. Instead of wine and water, it can be half a litre of beer with great heat and/or a very defying food.
It doesn’t matter if we go to dinner or lunch.
But I know people who drink very little or even prefer nothing. They don’t order to drink. Where’s the problem? And what does this have to do with geiz or austerity? If I had no thirst, I wouldn’t order anything to drink.
Of course, in the restaurant, the drinks are always overpriced compared to the food, especially if you consider how much more effort it is to buy all the ingredients for the food, prepare it before and after, that a kitchen, chefs and possibly other kitchen staff are necessary, that cooking and eating dishes are contaminated and that tables must be covered. On the other hand, the waiter only needs to put a drink on the table, and only a glass becomes dirty.
Of course, if you have little money, you can best save your drink. But it probably saves not only on the drink (and thirst!), but also perhaps at dinner does not take what would best taste him, but what is cheapest. Is it still fun to go for dinner? Honestly, I’d rather go to the Indian. There it’s almost always cheaper than in other restaurants, and it’s very cheap at lunchtime. Maybe you can afford a drink.
Well, you need to know that you can eat without drinking. But can you just eat it without drinking in particular when you sit there an hour or something?
You can’t say that because if you were austerity you wouldn’t go to eat first.
So in the end you can do it but you can eat for personal pleasure then I would not restrict myself because of 3 euros more for what to drink.
With little things it goes without but if it’s a bit bigger I feel like dying without drinking 😂😐
I always need something to drink, but who doesn’t feel that way, the easier
By the way, for this reason I almost always take to go because I am too greedy to pay the drinks uu. I prefer to reduce the ambience and service
Same. I don’t like a soft drink or something, and I don’t like an alk. And for water 4.50 pay it is not worth it anymore
I sometimes do – but only if I know that I could either drink a drink in front of it or drink a drink in half an hour or so after leaving the restaurant anyway. Otherwise, a drink is more or less obligatory. I don’t care if the drink is a beer (mixed drink), a tea, a coffee or just water. This depends entirely on my “day form”.
Well, if you don’t have thirsty. I basically don’t mind when I go to dinner.
Everyone has to know what he wants. Beverages are not mandatory. But I always ask myself something because I want some fun with a short visit. Water before eating or a small cocktail and then a nice beer or a dry wine – this is my standard.
In the evening of course a wine tasting or a beautiful bottle; best of things I don’t know yet. When it tastes, I can put the drinks in my list: Buy for home.
For me, a good drink belongs to a meal.
In general, I drink more without eating, usually order me a drink (from courtesy).
Are you buying a bottle of C🤣la or a bouquet of flowers from courtesy on the tank?
Let’s go. But I never had a drink in the field before, my colleague.
Everyone like him. Whether that the innkeeper should be taken away.
Sometimes it is not without when the food is too spicy
Everyone has to know that I’d have food stuck in my throat.
Very unusual