Respektlos gewesen?
Ich war mies respektlos gegenüber meinem Vater (er war betrunken) und der meinte morgen gibts Konsequenzen und jz habe ich schieß. Ich bereue es nicht wie ich mit ihm geredet habe, weil er genauso mit mir geredet hat, aber weil er ja “älter” ist, ist es von mir respektlos und von ihm nicht.
Was ist eure Meinung dazu?
I, as a father, would be interested in the family not experiencing any of this. It did not read my pride that the drunkenness is thematized.
As a believer, in such situations I would use the strongest means I have – prayer.
If I had the feeling of being disrespectful, I would apologize to my father. No matter how “legitimate” – because of the drunkenness – my words have been. Not because of the fear of the consequences, but simply because the commandment of Jesus is so important to me: love your neighbour as yourself.
If he talks such a crap, you should call the police (110) as soon as possible.
Disappointed people have no right to threaten, as a matter of urgency a consistent bar must be advanced.
He should be afraid (affected and anti-social) and NOT YOU!
Maybe he doesn’t mean it tomorrow. Get it off.
That’s different.
I don’t care. Empty words.
He was drunk here. This is disrespectful to his family where it can destroy?!
Honestly who 2024 is drunk next to his children is never a good father 🤷🏽 ♀️