ReSharper für Visual Studio wirklich so wichtig?
Hallo Programmierer,
ich frage mich, ob der Resharper für Visual Studio 2022 so wichtig ist. Ich habe große Probleme mit der automatischen Codeformatierung von Visual Studio und ich habe gehört, dass der ReSharper das besser machen soll? Was hat der ReSharper sonst noch für wichtige Funktionen.
Liebe Grüße
Ps: Grüße gehen raus an Pupsnase23
Ever thought about using another IDE? Find VisualStudio is simply one of the worst IDEs that exist. Maybe after Eclipse, but that doesn’t mean much…
For example, PyCharm for Python.
Programming in C# and is designed to develop applications. That’s why I have very little room to play. Windows Presentation Foundation is supported only in Visual Studio
Oh, that’s bad luck.
Maybe that will help you?
So I’ve never used Resharper and my code formatting works like that. I think there’s something wrong with you.
Code formatting is terrible. I’m just using the Resharper and I have to say I’m already excited……
It’s expensive. But if it helps you, it sounds good.
However, I still believe what did not vote with your settings, because normal code formatting is absolutely fine.