Reservierte Plätze Flixbus?
Ich fahre am Freitag mit dem Flixbus und würde nun gerne wissen, wie man denn schon bereits reservierte Plätze erkennt, da es ja bereits möglich ist, sich einen bestimmten Sitz zu reservieren?
Vielleicht kann mir da jemand weiterhelfen^^
They usually have such numbers/numbers at seats. (so it is with us)
but how do I know if the place is already intended/reserved for someone else?
Why do you need to know?
I didn’t get a certain place. I want to sit on a place that someone has already reserved. So what can I recognize which places are reserved and which are not?
You just sit on your place, where is your problem, what unpleasant situation?
so that I can get out of my way an unpleasant situation and don’t have to focus my thoughts on this concern.
Are the places not numbered?
Exactly:) but where is it marked in the places whether they are reserved for someone?:/
The not reserved are green so there are so grune stickers