Rente Auszahlen?
Hey ich bin 16 Jahre alt und arbeite neben der schule ich habe in meiner Rentenkasse daher 1000 und paar zerquetschte da ich das Geld gebrauchen könnte und eigentlich eh noch nicht vorhabe einzuzahlen wollte ich fragen ob es möglich ist zu sagen das man gerne das Geld was da eingezahlt wurde ausbezahlt zu bekommen.
Danke schonmal im Vorraus
If you have made contributions to the pension fund, in most cases it is not possible to disburse them prematurely, except there are special circumstances such as a serious illness or a permanent disability.
Unfortunately, the reason for not wanting to pay will not lead to a payout.
Ahh ok thank you actually I just have to pay when I’m in training but trz thank you
No, that’s not an argument…
… especially since you can certainly not see how your life will play in the coming 50 years.
in which pension fund do you have 1000.–€? Certainly not in statutory pension insurance. More read a 450.–€ job now 520.– you won’t do
I pay and my company also pays
No, these contributions cannot be paid to you.
If you don’t have 60 Mo post months with 67, you can submit an application for a contribution refund.
Not before…
No, I can’t, because the money has already been spent. Google time after “refunded pension”.
This is certainly not the reason.