Release von The Eminence In Shadow: Lost Echos?
Hi, ich wollte mal nachfragen wie lange es normalerweise dauert nach dem Release in den Japanischen Kinos bis ein bestimmter Anime Film (in diesem fall The Eminence In Shadow: Lost Echos) in die Deutschen Kinos kommt oder eine Premiere und wenn Premiere dann wo man es schauen kann.
Films usually appear in the country a few months until a year after the Japanese publication, but there are also films where it took several years.
To a German licensing of the Eminence in Shadow Film is currently not yet announced how long it will take here so you can’t say yet.
1st quarter 2025 should it come out
I think here Peppermint will have stretched his fingers.
Have both seasons on offer. SAO was the same.
But I think that’ll go loose half to 1 year until we hear something.