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1 month ago

Attributes to entities contain values that may not be element of the specified domain to an attribute

MONITORING This statement is wrong and it was correct not to cross it. Of course, an attribute must have a value that is defined in the domain of the attribute. The domain determines the valid values for an attribute.


❌ NULL values, as they are allowed, are valid values. Invalid values cannot be stored at all. So it was wrong to make a cross here.


In contrast to tables in a relational database, entities must be clearly identifiable

❌ In principle, this would be a correct statement. While the “in contrast to tables” disturbs me something, because no RDBMS I know allows 2 tables of the same name on my own hierarchy level. However, an entity must be uniquely identifiable by a primary key. So here would have heard a cross


The last statement is true. An entity is represented by a data set in a table. The entity quantity is the amount of all entities at a certain time, i.e. the content of the complete table. It was correct to accuse them

Sören Stabenow
1 month ago
Reply to  TheQ86

Why did you replace your original answer with a ChatGPT answer 🥲

1 month ago

Ah, now I basically understand what you’re thinking. But the use of 3/2004 and ❌ are at best an indication, in fact many people use emojis and I also often use these two themselves.
Just because terrorists usually drink water, a water drinker is not a terrorist.

1 month ago

I didn’t. I was just thinking for a simpler understanding, I sort the answers again by the order of the questions.

I also wanted to highlight what responses were right and where it was right to set NO cross. It can otherwise be confusing because a cross does not necessarily mean “right”.

Sören Stabenow
1 month ago

You’re right, but I’ve seen your original answer and after the page has reloaded, it looked like an AI generated message. ^^

And rarely, this is not straight now. 😅