Guten Tag und zwar habe ich eine kleine Frage. Ich habe ein elektronisches Produkt über Media Markt gekauft (online) und habe mit dem Media Markt Support geschrieben. Diese verlangt von mir, dass ich mit dem Produkt in eine Filiale gehe um weiteres abzuklären. Ich verstehe dies aber nicht ganz da ich das Produkt online gekauft hab. Darf das Media Markt von mir verlangen?
First of all, you have a 14-day right of return – without any justification. So if the 14 days aren’t around, put the thing back together and send it back with the reference to this 14-day right of return.
If the 14 days are already over, the statutory two-year warranty now applies to all electrical appliances. The dealer decides whether the defective device is repaired or replaced. For this, he can refer you (if financially and effort-oriented) to a corresponding specialist workshop or to a MediaMarkt-Filiale. If the visit to a workshop is not possible (too far away or the device too large and too heavy), a “review/repair/replacement” must be organised by the dealer.
So the 14 days are already over and I have a VR glasses (Quest 3) I’m concerned that just after work I don’t have time for me and my family and then somehow have to tucker to media market. Besides, I’m honest that I don’t have a car at the moment and I’m afraid I’m stealing a 500 € VR glasses.
So, if you don’t have time for you and your family, then a VR glasses is definitely the best equipment to take more time out for you and your family…
In addition, you have to decide for yourself whether you have the circumstantiality “…to tucker the media market…” more value than the 500,-€! There’s probably no other way to help you!