Reitinternat bis 1200€ im Jahr ohne eigenes Pferd?

Hey ich überlege seid einer Zeit auf ein Reitinternat zu gehen, bin w13 bald 14 und hätte ein paar Fragen. Danke im Voraus schonmal. 🙂

  1. Reitinternat gute Idee?
  2. Welche Reitinternate bis 1200€ Ohne eigenes Pferd.


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1 month ago

Unfortunately, you don’t come under any Interant for the money, not even a riding innate. State internates begin at some 500€/month, private internates at 1000 – 1200€/month, and if the horse-riding internate are you can at a cost from min. 2.000 – 2.500€/month, depending on the much more.

1 month ago
Reply to  Hjalti

With us the reinternat costs, there you are usually at home on weekends, only 400€, in addition to the school fee paid by the state

1 month ago

1. Depending on this, there are notes and this is not intended for the hobby recreational rider but they future top riders who are to horse international tournaments. Recordings are super strict. If you are currently riding on at least solid A level, it would be a start. Which is probably too bad…

Two, none. That would be $100 a month. You live there, eat there, always need new clothes or similar… All this costs a month with 500€. The boarding school can’t put money on it, they have to earn money. Without your own horse it looks bad anyway, I think you have to bring a horse from class 7. Don’t have to be yours, so it’s also available, but you pay all running costs.

Here is the most famous and most famous internship: Neustadt Dosse

This is what Google did. Don’t tell me, there are no fees, school horses are mentioned but don’t find a more precise concept… But there you definitely come in easier than in Neustadt there seemingly also beginners are taken.

The Commission shall inform the Member States accordingly.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mmm1234555t

The title was in the year. Well, that’s okay. Personally, I would actually look for a well-trained teacher and try it in Neustadt!

1 month ago

Genuine riding innate?

None of them are at EUR 4 500 to 12 000 per month.

With suitable school horses.

1 month ago

1200 a year? So for 100€ a month? Never. Absolutely never. Per month, you could apply for the few riding in Germany.

1 month ago

No good idea. We are no longer in the Middle Ages.

1 month ago
Reply to  Mmm1234555t

Find something else that’s fun. EIn horse has no fun.

1 month ago
Reply to  Christiangt

– Blödmann-o’clock again? At least, let’s think of something new, get pretty boring with time…

1 month ago

The problem is you! You contest here that you torture and exploit horses. I’m ashamed that I’m just a flexor. You and the others are even talking about it and looking at it as normal. That’s the problem. You can’t justify a medieval sport! Understand!! And yes it’s a difference how to keep his animals, your horse can hardly move the big part of the day because it’s in a box. And no I don’t hold animals and if it were animals that would get your mercy bread. Fact and conclusion, I also stand for this through my diet nor animals suffering even though I have no milk and very little general animal products eating. You horses “friends” have so ego that you don’t even see this agony, that’s the problem. I expect you to stand for it and not to say that it is fun for your horses and it is not animal quality.

1 month ago

In addition, I must say that we should then adjust all animal welfare and consumption of animal resources. So hopefully you live animalless and vegan? Because dogs also want to be “forced” therapy dog or make stupid art pieces. Or cows taken the calves to get milk. Or animals from birth to death have not even seen daylight. Or birds sitting in mini cages. Or sheep that are sworn. Or birds from the Invasive species cat are killed for fun. So if you hang on riding sports where the horses of all farm animals are best, you can’t have anything to do with animals.

1 month ago

Then I would like to know:

Why can’t horses be caught without riders more often and SPRINGEN ALLY more? Why do horses come to man when they stand on the pasture (feeder, water, herd, is everything that needs)? Why do horses follow people in part without anything at the head of all alone? Why do horses yell at their people? Why do they fight for their people (fighting spirit cannot be enforced)? Why do weary horses become suspicious in good hands (they are tortured according to you)?

And once private to me, my horse, when I was unfair, she blew me. Didn’t get any trouble for that, but I fixed my mistake. Ergo, my horse knows exactly how to put me in the dirt and that it is NOT punished. Why isn’t it always?

1 month ago

It is. Have you ever heard of neutral observers? This is someone who has nothing to do with the subject and that’s why he sees exactly what happens. The animal is not free, it is forced to do what you want by compulsion. These are my neutral observations. And this isn’t animal torture for you?

1 month ago

I hope your parents aren’t so stupid and I’m gonna finance you this animal exploitation.

1 month ago

What opinion? This is a fact. Shame.

1 month ago

A lot of opinion, absolutely no plan.