Reithelm runtergefallen?
Hallo mein reithelm ist gerade drei Treppenstufen runter gefallen kann man ihn noch benutzen?
Hallo mein reithelm ist gerade drei Treppenstufen runter gefallen kann man ihn noch benutzen?
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Wie melde ich ein Pferd als verstorben/tot ?Muss ich das bei der FN oder beim Zuchtverband machen? Und muss ich den Pass dahin schicken? Ich würde den eigentlich gerne behalten 🙁
If you want to do it right, the helmet is now only decoration or spare parts storage.
But is your skull and therefore your decision how much you want to take care of them.
If he doesn’t have any cracks or something you can use it, of course.
I mean, for 10 years or so, and I don’t want to know what he’s been through…
At least every 5 years you should replace a helmet. Through UV radiation, general handling and smaller falls, microcracks form, so that the head is no longer sufficiently protected. Even after a fall on the head, you should swap it. Then the helmets are no longer safe.
But he kept good when I fell down last time… I broke my keybone, but at my head everything was good…
But thank you for the tip I didn’t know I might replace him next time
Riding helmets should always be exchanged, because after the case small cracks can form which can impair the protective function
Whether it makes sense to use the helmet?
Can’t answer.
The helmets are not to be separated regularly by age, discoloration, scratches, dents.
My people would simply get a new helmet, some have always been there as a substitute.(I as an employer are obliged to put the PSA!)
I don’t know
You better watch your stuff!
Such comments make an answer superfluous. 😠
The adventures are not really riding helmets, good ones are from 50 euros to 100 euros.
If you treat them carefully, you exchange them only every 3 to 5 years.
from the fall on the steps he shouldn’t have broken, otherwise he wouldn’t have dared anything
You can use it
See not only manufacturers differently
This means falls in the head. If it falls on the stairs, this is also not a “strengther” impact
They are all falls, even those where the helmet was apparently not involved.
Strong impact does not have what to do with the height, but exactly how the helmet falls.
Thus, a helmet that is flat from 1 meter height is also the floor is still in order, but the helmet of a single gravel hits scrap.
The same with a fall in the stairs, the one knew of the stairs he is safe to go.
It should be exchanged, as you would do with a motorcycle helmet.