Reiten nach Knieverletzung?
Hallihallo, ich hatte eine Kniescheibenfraktur und habe mein Pferd seit der OP nicht mehr selbst geritten nur von Boden aus bewegt ich bekomme auch Unterstützung und er wird auch von meiner Trainerin geritten aber sie kann das ja nicht ständig mach und ich habe halt Angst das wieder was passiert wenn ich in den Sattel steige denn er ist 176cm groß und ist schon ein Stückchen bis zum Boden denn ich bin bin auch nicht die größte.
bitte und Tipps
Well, a time window as an indication would be helpful… when was the surgery? How is the muscle state of the leg? Any more pain? Knee left or right?
Before a long time had a crossband tear, inner band tear, bone outer band tear, meniscus interhorn lesion, press-in fracture in the knee disc. Since I earned my rolls with riding, it was against bad. Rat and knee rail 3 months after surgery on the horse again. Reha just finished. The rail was no problem at all, but up and down there was a bigger act (the right knee, so that’s what happened).
Well, hurt already. And good in the sense of healthy it was certainly not really. And my sensitivities have sometimes shown me clearly what they kept from my seat in this time…
I was not really afraid, but ove certain uncertainty was quite present, is also normal when you are physically handicapted.
If you don’t have to go to the Oferd only if you really have rebuilt muscularly and feel safe. Start slowly and above all carry safe up and down.
This doesn’t take the fear, but because you can hit the ground by small horses, the size of the horse is not important. The safest way to ride is to sit back when you want it so much that the desire is to push the worry.
A horse doesn’t have to be ridden to live.
Mmh then I would never have risen to the horse again
Thank you very much
Just start riding again in a solid riding mode.
Only on a really good school horse, on the Longe, then gradually back to the rider’s life. As soon as the clean works the own horse horse again. Also about the long, seat training, etc. in everyday business!
This time, Indians(O God) do not know any pain have significantly damaged more riders in development, such as methodological restart!
Fear of riding only goes away by riding.
and the better your horse and before you are trained, the safer you are.
It’s a misbelief that horse riding is harmless.
An affirmation can help you, like:
I am grateful for my horse, our connection is deep and based on trust. When I ride my horse, I’ll be quiet and relaxed, all fear falls off me.
singing or laughing also helps in fear in the saddle
Thank you
I don’t know exactly what you’re looking for now. Is it about the stress of the knee when riding? You have to talk to your doctor or try it again. I personally would stop if it hurts. Easy.
Or is it about getting up and down?
When climbing up, you can use an ascent aid and possibly put the bow longer. Someone should hold it or support you.
There are certain techniques when descending. I always have knee problems and my horse is 1.80m. I learned in the riding school that the upper body is as close as possible to the horse. This way you can already significantly shorten the “case”. Unfortunately, the tip does not work very well at large heights. In addition, I’ll go to the forearm when I get down. A Maria auxiliary belt is also very suitable for this. Take your time. The choice of soil also plays a role. And a helper from below can’t hurt either.
Hi I had an incident last year in school sports classes where my right knee was shifted by 1cm to the outside. In addition, my knee was slowly pushed back (over 1-2 months). The first time on the horse I’ve been sitting after the two months, that was a therapy horse. Fortunately, we have on a farm where I ride a disabled just ascent aid, which is about 1m high, so I had no problems getting up and down. During the first time riding I had great problems keeping my lower leg in front and had to ride with a little longer stirrups. After two months in when I rode every week I had no great difficulties and could also descend normally. When I climbed up, I stayed on one farm at the great ascent aid, as it is much more gentle for riders and horses. In the private stable where I also ride and learn other things around the horse, unfortunately, there is no such climbing aid available to me. Here I climbed the first time after 6-7 months after my accident from a 50cm climbing aid to a 1.60 horse.
Important when climbing, you also need to jump off the right leg
I hope I could help you