Reiten im leichten Sitz?


kann man nur mit verkürzten Bügeln in den leichten Sitz? (Bin noch Anfänger 😅)

Heute in der Reitstunde musste ich nämlich in den leichten Sitz gehen, jedoch hat es nicht so gut funktioniert und ich hatte einfach kein Gleichgewicht.Mir ist aufgefallen das meine Bügel auf normaler Länge waren. Mein Reitlehrer hat auch nichts von Bügel verkürzen erwähnt deshalb die Frage. Fühle mich dann immer total dämlich, weil ich immer wieder nach hinten falle.
Davor die Reitstunde hatte ich die Bügel nämlich deutlich kürzer gehabt, dafür hat aber der leichte Sitz geklappt.
Ich werde meinen RL die nächste Stunde drauf ansprechen ,aber wollte mich einfach schon vorher informieren

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1 year ago

Of course, in the dressage saddle with straps snucked for the dressage seat you can not sit as “ready for jumping”. Nevertheless, it is possible (although a bit exhausting.) to indicate the light seat (“relief seat”) without plumping with the butt into the saddle.
Your problem is not the bow length. If the strap is too long, you can’t get out of the saddle, but you can’t really wear light.
This does not change the position of the legs on the belt. When you fall, it’s because you stretch your feet forward.

You can do dry exercises at home when you have a big mirror: move laterally in front of the mirror, take a stance, as if you had conjured the horse under your back. Then make small knee bows. Keep in mind that the hips and the ankles remain in a vertical line and that the lower legs/thighs behave parallel to each other.
Also on the ground you would tip if you take over the upper body and back too far. Practice these knee bends in the cycle and add the feeling your body needs to stay in balance.

You can vary in intensity, and you will notice that your stability is not dependent on the degree of diffraction of your knees (analogous to the length of the bow), but on maintaining the vertical line.

1 year ago
Reply to  Anna45312

If you go too far out of the saddle, you would normally fall on your neck. Looking for balance, you will stretch your feet forward, and thus you will plump back with your back. So you’re trying to “smooth the horse from the tail” and that doesn’t work. The foundation they are lower legs, they must stay at their place, and accordingly you align the upper body. You can’t move the upper body somewhere, and change the foundation. Just as little as with a house: you can change something above the foundation. But never a sloping tower of Pisa will build us the foundation “backward”.

And you can not often emphasize enough: the angle between thigh and thigh must never be stronger than the angle between thigh and lower leg. Or in other words: the angle in the hip should correspond to the angle of the knee.

1 year ago

No, in all the lengths you ride, from the dressage hanger to the jumping stirrup, you must be able to change between deep seat, relief seat and light seat at any time. If the dressage hanger is too long for the easy seat, then it is too long for a correct deep seat and the jumper for the deep seat is too short, it is too short for the easy seat. After all, it is necessary to be able to sit in every moment in order to save a situation that is not to be saved otherwise, as in the dressage work in between in a light seat or relief seat, or to work in situ into the forward. You always strap the bow to fit for the blade cut and your own legs and then work with this bow length all seat shapes.

1 year ago

The right light seat requires short bows, yes.

With dressage length a maximum relief seat is possible, quasi the preliminary stage from the light seat.

1 year ago

You need to exercise your balance first, you can support yourself if you can, if you can, on the horse neck (on and off).And if you feel safe then just try it like that.