Reitbeteilligung ?

Guten Morgen,

ich habe seit dem 02.02.22 eine RB auf einem Pony. Ich hatte letzte woche eine kleine auseinandersetzung mit der Besitzerin und sie meinte sie überlegt ob das überhaupt noch einen Sinn ergibt wen ich komme.

so, jetzt ignoriert sie mich seit letzten Samstag und antwortet mir nicht.

Bezahlt habe ich schon für den ganzen Monat, wir konnten leider keinen Vertrag machen da sie leider Corona bekommen hat.

Am Freitag wäre wieder ein Tag wo ich offiziell in den stall gehen dürfte, wie sind jetzt meine Recht? Darf ich einfach im den Stall gehen, oder hab ich ein Anspruch darauf die 40€ für den halben Monat wieder zubekommen wenn ich nicht in den Stall gehe?

Liebe Grüße,


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3 years ago

A contract can also be concluded orally even if it is always difficult to prove in disputes.

So I see you right here either you’re clearing this and you’re riding or claiming reimbursement.

I advise a factual conversation and don’t get jacky then you usually get more.

3 years ago
Reply to  Annlkpt

It certainly helps.

But would kindly try to find a conversation to clarify it only when nothing comes out, you can tell her what a legally valid contract means at the end. but you need to know if it is worth making a barrel for 40 euros or if you write it as a teaching money.

Although you have a high degree of probability right but such a dispute over 40 euros is probably more than ridiculous or the costs are in no proportion to it.

3 years ago

Whoever is right now can’t answer anyone here, after all nobody knows what you’re dealing with.

And if you could legally repay your money, it doesn’t matter, because if you don’t pay it back voluntarily, what do you want to do? A civil suit? For 40 Euros, no lawyer makes only one finger crooked ….

Search the conversation with the owner of the pony and talk to her, polite, friendly – but destined and say that it does not seem to work with the RB and you have written her notice as a termination and want the money paid in advance back.

It’ll be fine. If it does not – then do it differently at the next RB – actually with a written contract and a trial period.

3 years ago

You have signed a contract that you both have to hold. If she doesn’t, she’ll be liable for damage.

3 years ago

I wouldn’t go there anymore. Whether you have “right” to reimburse the money doesn’t matter, because I think it’s worth not to go to court.

Och would tell her that you understood her statement as a dismissal, and ask for a refund of the share in the amount. She does it – great. If she doesn’t, you paid tuition: I wouldn’t pay in advance; especially not if there was not even a trial period.

3 years ago

You have the right and you get the right is not the same. Of course, you’re entitled to get the money back for the rest of the month when you “separate”. Contracts also apply oral, that is not the point. Only – if they don’t give you the money again, you can’t do anything. Because of €40.- no one’s gonna go to court….

Write it again with the request for a clear statement – whether the RB ratio is over and if yes, you would like to have your money back directly or until the date.

3 years ago

Since 2.2. an RB and already stress? Honestly, this has no purpose. If, at the beginning, where you are still very polite and cautious about each other, and first of all the mutual boundaries are carefully explored, there are already disputes, then that doesn’t really fit.

Whoever is guilty and whoever it is to you is irrelevant at the moment – the fact is: it doesn’t fit. Suffering of the whole: usually the horse/pony, which can be the least for it. And it certainly didn’t deserve it.

You paid. Theoretically, you still have the rest of the month. Factically, I would take a distance from it if the situation between you two cannot be regulated. But I wouldn’t come without comment, but I’d cancel properly. Not via WhatApp if it is not to speak for you by phone or personally.

3 years ago

contract is one thing, people/horse another … with what feeling goes You’re on the horse when you’re in the twist with the owner? I wouldn’t want to.

So, before each other speak (not SMS, not Whatsapp, but at least phone!).

3 years ago

What are you gonna do if she doesn’t give you the money?

I wouldn’t go until you hear from her again.