Reitbeteiligung, wie viel Geld und welche Versicherungen?

Hallo, eventuell habe ich eine Reitbeteiligung für mein Pferd.

Wie viel Geld darf/kann ich monatlich verlangen? Sie kommt 2x in der Woche fest. Meinerseits auch öfter, nach Absprache. Zahle Monatlich 220€ Stallmiete in Vollpension, haben einen Reitplatz & einen Roundpen mit Licht.

Und zur Versicherung. Welche Versicherungen muss meine RB haben? Ich hab ne ganz normale Pferdehaftpflicht.
Was passiert zum Beispiel, wenn die RB runterfällt und Querschnittsgelähmt ist….

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2 years ago

Supply and demand regulate the price.
Personally, I would not ask for any money at all, but instead expect the riding share to be in regular lessons.

However, if you want money, you have to address the local situation. There can be no exchange of views on GF throughout the German-speaking world, but only a look at the corresponding social networks of your environment. On Quoka, EBay classifieds and the like, and also in conversation with other riders in your area, you will be able to better inform you about the local prices.

2 years ago

You should finally complete one – so-called – “Fremdreiter liability”!

Of course, knowledge and groundbreaking conditions should be tested – plentiful -…

We are all just people on 2 legs…;)

I personally have 80 euros per month realistically in this case…


2 years ago

I would make the amount dependent on the following points:

  • how much use it brings you (travel, time etc.)
  • Does she have to do stable work?

for insurance, she should have an accident insurance that, as I find, is essential for all riders. In your case, you can ask if you are insured

2 years ago
Reply to  13Linda3

But then there is no assurance of the rider, but only a damage of third parties caused by the horse when it was in the care of the RB. You cannot insure your own health.

2 years ago

For the 220 you will have additional fixed costs (insurance, equipment, hoofing, …). They’re all moving to the month.

Uncalculable costs are usually yours, because with what you want to price them.

Then the total fixes of a month : 7 = equivalent of a weekday. And then it comes to the market. All round off, stay on your offer if you don’t.


Your THP can include it. In some cases, the extra cost. If you take this, the higher price is definitely higher. Damage to third parties is thus insured if they are not caused by negligent action. Explain this to her and let it be resigned, for example, in the Treaty. She must be aware that if she falls out of negligence and the riderless horse runs on the road that you can’t help her. Otherwise, you are the next point of contact for the often several million euros if someone carries life damage. The exclusion of negligence also includes the fact that minors only have qualified supervisors.

What happens if your horse is damaged by her actions? She can only inquire if she wants to open and complete a private liability insurance that covers it.

If she gets hurt, her health insurance is up. An accident insurance usually provides more than the KV. It is important to allow her only what you can allow her good conscience. If she does something on your stimulus, she won’t grow. The insurance companies could possibly approach you.

2 years ago

So, 220 a month, you will be on 30 (mostly 30 days a month). These are 7,30Euro (that costs your horse a day. Then you can calculate this once 2 (because it is to come 2 times) and the result once 4 (for 1 month equal to 4 weeks) . There are a total of 58,66 Euros. So I’d take 50-60euro. Depending on whether your horse is well trained and what possibilities it has/what it can do. There are contracts that can print on the Internet so that everything is written. that’s what a friend did. You need the normal sticker for riders and the ride share should be unsafe for yourself. Mireiterversicherung many have already. There are also other insurance companies but the cost.

2 years ago

If you can come twice a week, you can do that. 50-70 Euro demand Depending on what the horse can Bzw. You can do it.
If there is still lessons, you may be able to ask for more money.

In the case of insurance, you have to ask for your shareholding with insurance companies.

2 years ago

I used to take the fist formula: “Stem rental: 30 × days = xx €” and then either up or down.

And that’s what the offer is like in the area. With us there are fewer horses and therefore a high demand.

As far as insurance is concerned, I’ve been insuring foreigners.

Otherwise, each rider should have an accident insurance. The RB must complete it for itself.

2 years ago

What can your horse and how are the conditions? What’s the Rb?

Please talk to your insurer about insurance, in some cases rbs must be included or are not included.

2 years ago

Up to 70€/month for 2x/week rides, I would like to see a rough formula, which is based on the other Besi: stable rent in € / 30 days x days which the RB rides. If they still have to take over stable services, the amount of money is naturally reduced proportionally.

You can and do not need to complete any additional insurance that protects your RB from damage caused by your horse (Sturz, etc.) This is covered with your livestock liability or with an accident insurance of the RB that it must complete itself.

What you can do, however, is a Mitreiter/Fremdreiter Insurance if not included in your liability, so the RB is also secured if damage is caused by the horse during its care (e.g. horse you go through and run a cereal field cereal,…)