Riding share come across as it did at the first meeting?

Hello, my dears,

I've found a horse-riding partner who will also share my care. She's a Hanoverian mare, 1.73 m tall, and she's supposed to be very sweet and calm!

I've been riding since September, but I have a balanced seat! I just don't know what the Capri is like, even though I ride big horses!

Sometimes I think too much! I just get in my own way sometimes!

I don't want Vapri's owner to think I'm scared and can't ride at all. If I say I'd like to go on the lunge line first, I don't know what she'd say (I don't go on the lunge because I can't ride, but because I have to approach new situations specifically because of an illness I have)! She said she also offers lessons and that you and your horse should become a team! She said that if you can ride, that's fine, but if you don't have much experience, you can learn further in lessons!

Please don't criticize my spelling, I have dyslexia and it's not my fault!

Please take your time answering, I don't want mean answers…!

I sent the ad this morning at 8 o'clock but no answer yet when do you think she would answer

Kind regards and thank you


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1 year ago

Why don’t you just tell her that you always feel a little insecure if you want to get into something new? But please never say again (not here, and not at the owner) that you can ride well. That sounds quite ridiculous, especially in this context. Please do not take this note personally, but riders generally refer to “good” at least to the level of a professional or even a master.
Grab the offer to get lessons and explain your basic attitude that seat length is always welcome. Finally, the yard riding school’s ready-to-be rides along the Longe for 4 years to perfect their seat. Also in Germany there are special seat length for riders of higher classes, at L-M level. Tell her that one of them would be very pleasant for you to know the horse.
This is no problem at all – an owner who doesn’t look for anyone with a lot of experience, it’s probably even more pleasant to get a riding turnout that is completely on her and ready to learn from her. Such people do not like better-wissers, but see their chance in shaping the young rider according to their own ideas. You’re right. Only courage, it will be! 😄

(and tell us what experience you actually experience there 😁)

1 year ago
Reply to  Kath283

You are.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kath283

There are also horse riding participations for beginners – by those people who want to shape themselves. But just when you read it that way, you think you’re right to do it with a bloody beginner. If you have to present your experiences, you have to write a few words about it. 😉

But if the owner doesn’t care about a lot of experience, it’s not necessary.

1 year ago

Well, if lessons are offered at the same time, and no specific level is required, it can be that a beginner is also welcome. I’ve met more often horse owners who do this.

1 year ago

and what is kind for you? That you agree that you write; of course you get the RB, because you are already on the way to Olympia,

No, you’re not. You’re a beginner. we all were and should therefore be more modest/realistic. I’d like to admit that I had made the mistake too. I didn’t fall off the horse at every gallop and also considered myself advanced.. I wasn’t. And most of the owners do not want to have any beginners on their horse. That’s realism.

1 year ago

I don’t blame you, I’m just writing what I did as a owner, and that you’ve only been riding since September – definitely not a daily individual lesson – are enormously overestimated yourself, so I’m staying.

1 year ago

you’ve only been riding since September and then a ride? Well, if that’s not a total self-examination. I’m sorry, but you’d be out with me right now.

1 year ago

It is absolutely not a shame and even distinguishes the professional when you want to get to know a new horse slowly. Whoever thinks it’s all part of the group that often fails masterly.