Reitbeteiligung ja oder nein?

Ich habe eine Reitbeteiligung für mein Pferd gesucht und gefunden. Nun ist sie schon einige Male geritten und ich habe nun das Problem das mein Pferd einfach losschiesst und den Kopf beim galoppieren hochreißt. Die Reitbeteiligung probiert Sachen aus die sie noch gar nicht reiten kann, als ich ihr dann gesagt habe, dass sie das bitte nicht allein machen soll, war sie auch einsichtig. Sie ist sehr nett und lieb zum Pferd, aber mein Bauchgefühl sagt irgendwie nein. Was denkt ihr, soll ich der Sache mehr Zeit geben oder es einfach besser beenden?

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1 year ago

I think you should definitely give her a chance, with your abdominal feeling certainly right somewhere. But unfortunately, you’re always afraid of your own horse, that even with my nursing participation I feel like that when she gets a new nursing share. (school ponies)

You have to assess the situation and then, depending on the measures such as it can only ride with lessons, not only to the terrain… And if she does, she has to count on consequences!

1 year ago

What is your definition of “some paintings”? Most of my horses could be “some paintings”, which I would classify as 3-4 or even 5x, also ridden by beginners, and would still be polite/friendly. Surely surprised and not amused, but also not directly ridden and in defense mode. In addition, there is no ride on my own before I looked at it very accurately and for a longer period. That’s what I mean for several weeks, about two months. There is also the option for teaching. And if your skills are not enough from the beginning, I wonder why you take so jmd at all.

I think everyone deserves a chance and would just look very carefully for the next few weeks. You have to know it yourself and only you know your horse.

1 year ago

If you have the impression that she’s lying to you or being consultative, you should listen to your gut feeling. You can simply see other adjusters with which you understand well so that “order” to look inconspicuously what the RB does with your horse in your absence, true to the motto: trust is good, control is better. If they say everything is okay, you should be able to rely on their judgment. But if they observe anything, or maybe even hold it by video, which is against your arrangement, then I would definitely appeal to them or even announce them.

1 year ago

What do you mean “smoothness”? Do you think she’s lying to you? What are the alternatives? Is there plenty of candidates who could fit better? What happens if she does not become a master of her ambition and secretly drives her experiments – is there a risk of accident? Or do you notice their mistakes to the horse when you put yourself on it again?
If there is a possibility for teaching, I would insist at the beginning that it rides the horse exclusively in class, and that it will not change until you have convinced you that it will work.
If she doesn’t want to, it’s done by herself 😏

1 year ago

Then I’d just let her ride temporarily in class. I personally wouldn’t be able to cope with it if my horse was faxing just because now someone else comes with it. Or even friends in the stall wonder if they can have an eye on it if you’re not at the stall to make sure what happens if you’re not at it…

1 year ago

Does she take lessons? If she gets more lessons on the horse in the first time, it would be useful.

1 year ago

Your horse, if she does such things then she’s gone. This is a clear No Go for me. Probably this girl is still very young and inexperienced. I wouldn’t get a RB under 16, but I’d rather get it from 18 if I needed one.

1 year ago

I used to have such a thing that was always nice to me and made a nice appearance, but if she was alone, she was just stupid with my horse. Just look what’s best for your horse

1 year ago

Be always there and better watch the poor horse

1 year ago
Reply to  Shany

… Then you usually don’t need RB if you’re on site and have to supervise.