Reitbeteiligung (Besitzer) schreibt nicht zurück was tun?
Ich habe vor zwei Wochen eine Reitbeteiligung gefunden und habe schon länger mit der Besitzerin geschrieben! Da unser Termin zum Probereiten nicht geklappt hat, hat sie mir neulich geschrieben, dass sie mir wegen eines neuen Termins nochmal schreibt! Dann habe ich ihr geschrieben an welchen Tagen ich diese Woche Zeit hab. Allerdings war das schon Samstag und sie hat es gelesen, aber schreibt nicht zurück!
Was soll ich jetzt tun?
danke schonmal!
I could just imagine that Corona’s going back in between. Many stalls are currently blurring the measures, especially as regards “breathing” and you would be in the case first. Can I imagine that this makes the preparation more complicated and the Besi is not quite sure whether she can invite you or not.
I’d just like to ask again how the situation looks about an appointment.
Just wait a few more days and then report again and ask them directly if the topic RB is still up to date. Also think it could be a little bit difficult due to corona. Many stables make “to” again with lockdown, no foreign persons at the stable except TA and hoof workers, many work with time concept to not have too many people at the stable at the same time, e.g. every besi (or already existing RB) is available only 1 or 2h/day at the stable, etc. pp.
tja, wait a few more days, maybe ask again kindly. If nothing comes, you can’t do anything. Not nice of the Besi to give you a divorce.
Thank you.
I think it’s funny too, because she asked me if I’m interested! And that shows that she is still interested!
A “read” confirmation does not mean that it really perceived the message. Besides, she could have gotten something in between, which now takes her attention fully. I’d kindly ask her how she’s doing and if she already had an idea how you’re going on.
Hello, I think every horse fool looking for a riding share had already had the problem:(. The best way to ask again kindly and if the owner doesn’t get in touch, you can make nix.
Wait a few more days and then ask again.