Reisepass lang genug gültig?
Ich möchte in ein Land reisen für das man einen Reisepass braucht, das noch mindestens 6 Monate gültig ist. Mein Reisepass ist zu dem Zeitpunkt noch 8 Monate gültig, ich habe aber bedenken, dass die trotzdem Probleme machen. Hat da jemand Erfahrungen oder muss ich mir keine Gedanken machen?
In Thailand (deine tags) must pass when entering at least 6 months. An 8-month smooth pass is more lavish than even 6 months.
8>6 and not 6>8 -> why there should be problems when you meet the requirements.
There are no problems to be expected because the validity is long enough.
You don’t have to worry about it as long as it’s still valid for 6 months on your trip.
8 >= 6, you have no problems to expect.
No, that’s okay
See 6 <8 gelle
beautiful holiday
The 6 months apply only because a visa of 3 months can theoretically be extended to 6 months, which is the only reason. If you don’t even have to stay half a year, it doesn’t affect you. You’re 8 months anyway, so all right.