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2 years ago

Unprobably, but not excluded. Do not let you get (;

2 years ago

At border crossing, coaches are controlled as well as cars or trucks. There can therefore be checks.

I drove from Munich to Salzburg with the ICE. On the way, the train had to stop and the federal police controlled the passenger’s passports. Probably someone was looking for or something.

So yes, it can happen that your bus is controlled. Don’t rely on you to smuggle inconspicuous stuff.

2 years ago
Reply to  Henryy326

Everything that seems to the officials of concern. ID, baggage etc. And by the way, they also have dogs. If they have a suspicion, they’ll be used. So, no, you can cheat on drugs nucth unnoticed by control.

2 years ago
Reply to  Henryy326

Then the one-class, because your ID says you’re underage.

2 years ago

Exactly. That’s just anger.

2 years ago

In the eyes of the customs more.

2 years ago

I recently traveled with Flix from HH to Berlin, the bus arrived from Amsterdam.

The inch was there with about 10 people & dog. Police has also been off-site.

Control then took about 20 minutes

2 years ago

I find the question somewhat questionable.