Reinigungsalkohol ins Auge bekommen, schädlich?
Mir wurde gesagt, Körper Kontakt vermeiden. Habe ich, aber es hat plötzlich gespritzt und ist ins Auge geflogen. Tut aber weder weh, noch ist es rot. Sieht ganz normal aus. Und sehen kann ich normal wie vorher.
protective measures (gloves, safety goggles) not observed, or as someone has recently written:
What to do is in the safety data sheet about cleaning alcohol:
Example data sheet
Individual protective measures (personal protective equipment)
Eye/face protection
Protective glasses/face protection.
CONTACT WITH THE AUGEN: rinse gently with water for a few minutes. Possible remove existing contact lenses if possible. Continue to rinse.In case of persistent eye irritation: seek medical advice/withdrawal medical assistance.
So lucky, it can go as fast.
Working correctly from now on, so easy!
However, there are still a few quotes from the TE regarding occupational safety regulations: (which, in his opinion, as a competitor, completely unjustly restrict him).
and of course:
Yeah, I’m waiting for that.
But he learns to do this, though quite slowly and with several approaches…
It’s true…
In any case rinse with a lot of water.
Maybe it didn’t spray properly, otherwise it would burn. But it’s safe.
Then you were lucky. Normally it burns like the mother of hell. And is / can be very harmful.
Yes, it may be quite harmful.