Reihenfolge von Game of Thrones?
Welche Filme sind nur Zusammenfassungen der Serie und welche Extrastorys?
Was könnte ich daher skippen und was ansehen?
Und in welcher Reihenfolge muss ich die Filme mit den Staffeln zusammen mit The House of Dragons sehen? Ist ja irgendwie eine Vorgeschichte.
Did I miss something??? 🥴
Edit: At the moment you have no chance to see HOUSE OF THE DRAGON completely, since just the 2. STAFFEL has started and an end has not yet been seen.
So you would have to start with GAME OF THRONES and then look at the history.
Okay ^ Yes I don’t know, I thought there were movies HAHA
No, not yet. LG 🎈
Films are not known to me and even if House of Dragon is a prequel, you can choose whether you want to watch it before or after the actual series.
Since Game of Thrones has been released from House of Dragen, it can of course also work without you know House of Dragon.
Okay, thanks