Reifenverschleiß beim Driften?
Hey zusammen! Ich hab letztens auf einer Abgesperrten Teststrecke bzw. einem abgesperrten Flugplatz (Privatisiert) das driften geübt! Natürlich nur bei Schnee & Regen, da mir der Material Verschleiß sonst viel zu hoch wär.
Jedoch hat sich mir dort eine Frage gestellt:
Trotz einer Nassen Fahrbahn fingen die Reifen an zu Qualmen. Warum?
Die Reifen waren eiskalt, & das Reifenprofil war nicht wirklich angegriffen.
Lag es letztendlich an Verdampfendem Wasser oder tatsächlich an den Reifen & wenn ja warum?
Falls es irgendwas zur Sache tut:
Fahre einen C200 Baujahr 2019, Automatik Getriebe & hab Winterreifen drauf.
& Ja, ich weiß wie schädlich das Ganze für mein Fahrzeug ist. Jedoch mache ich das ganze vollkommen Legal & mit Köpfchen (Selten, & so Getriebe bzw. Material schonend wie möglich). Bitte deshalb ausschließlich um Antworten auf die Frage & nicht um Subjektive Meinungen!
Gruß 🙂
Since when can you make the ESP complete at the C-Class? Furthermore, I would have such a thing with a nem automatic transmission that suffers extremely under and the engine of the C200 is also not really designed for drifting 😅
With my E46 330Ci, on the other hand, it is not a problem, the engine packs that and the ESP is completely switchable.
With cold tires, i.e. with cold engine, I would never do that, because it goes massively on the hardware!
Tires are very warm when drifting, so they are very good, even if this has never happened to me personally, rather when the road was just a little damp or dry
As already said, I do not ask for opinions but for an answer to my question. Please read correctly.
Of course I am aware of all this & drift naturally not with a cold engine, but even after 30min intensive drifts, the tires in the rain will not warm.
Then you don’t drift right or you don’t have enough power 😉
“engine designed for the run”
I have never heard such a nonsense, no motor is designed for drifting. 😂
And yes, if you get dressed correctly, the ESP gets out.
Do you have any idea?
Nissan 200SX S13-S15, Subaru Impreza WRX STI, Subaru BRZ, Toyota GT86, Ford Focus RS, all M models from the M2, the M8 even has a drift mode 😉
From there!
I know that in the older series of C class that was not possible except for one intervenes in motor electronics
In your case, the tire is suffering because the water evaporates
But they have, since the GT86 and BRZ are the cars when you want to learn drifting and are already designed to drift as standard 🙄🤦 ♂️ ♂️
Most of the cars mentioned are hand switches, except the M8 that there is only with automatic 😉
Yeah, I’m not questioning your driving arts. Actually, I just want to know if the tire is cold or if the water evaporates.
A drift mode has nix to do that a motor is designed for drifting. What do you think happens when the Activated? Only all-wheel on rear & transmission is manually set + ESP etc.
And the engineers at Toyata have also thought out, “Yo let the Gt86 engine spread to drift” 😂
My tires are really warm after a few minutes, even when wet, only with strong minuses on snow not 🙄
But I can also put my car right across, turn several rounds through a roundabout or keep going across a highway 😜
If you don’t know why steam arises even though the tire is cold & the substrate wet, then just answer other questions. Thank you 😉
“You don’t drift right then”
I’m thinking that I call automatic without a handbrake & 184PS I’ll get the best out. 😂