Reifendruckkontrollleuchte an?
Hey leute undzwar leuchtet seit 3 tagen bei meinem Auto die leuchte an
wegen meinen vorderen Reifen.
Denkt ihr es wäre schlimm 13 km hin und wieder zurück damit zu fahren?
Oder könnte deswegen mein Reifen platzen? was sagt ihr dazu
Check air pressure and reset PPS.
observe the whole and regularly control the air pressure and ripen.
Just so does not escape much air.
This has already been done
but just after 1 week the light came back although now there is a lot of air
that of adac meant that it might be a crack.
reifen were already ordered auxh but until the arrival takes place.
still wants to drive 13 km today or would it be too risky?
Also reset?
If the pressure is regularly less, then a defect can already be present.
I’d really avoid.
and what about a country road?🥲
Then he loses air and it’s already risky to drive with it.
Fill in more air than it actually gets and drive carefully.
so do not overtake quickly and do not overtake.
definitely avoid the highway.
best only to move in urban traffic.
Yes was reset
He won’t burst, but the front tires are more critical. This makes you steer and when you drive high speeds, this is very risky. I have a small tire pressure meter and can also pump air in for emergency. In this situation, no one can advise you to ignore this information. In the past there were complete spare tyres and they were exchanged.
See that the defective tire is replaced as soon as possible.
but he will arrive until the mature takes 2-4 days
wanted to know if I could still drive 13 km back and forth, or rather take the bus.
What speeds are you driving?
Apparently, you have sneaking air loss.
Whether this may be due to damage to the tire cannot be said remotely.
This is why the vehicle belongs to a workshop as soon as possible.
Yes this has a torn for it. new tires have already been ordered but takes 2-4 days until the arrive and this is changed.
Just wanted to know if I could go back and forth 13km or should take the bus today
It can also only be on the display. I tested them and everything was okay.
so could I drive?
Trust the meter on the tank and not the display
No. The lamp only says that on at least one of the tires is less pressure than expected.
What keeps you from getting air in the tires in any tank?
was already made the light came after 1 wochr again loud adac should have my ripen a ripe therefore…
I don’t know, such system jump normally when the air pressure has dropped by more than 0.5bar gig of calibration
simply make the air pressure on the right at all four times and then reprogramm it via the BC
He won’t sit. I’d just pick up the next gas station and check it out.
Already 4 days ago he had 2.4 bar but the light still shines..
have been so afraid of the rupture hahah
new tyres are already ordered
Then I would set all 4 tyres correctly and reset the control display.
Then I’d just refill the air and then drive.
The looks slightly low from the outside
Sure you can. If no completely flat tire can be seen from the outside, it is not a problem.
but could I still drive 13 km today?or would it be more risky
Look if enough air to drive is in there and if yes, drive to next tanks and correct the pressures.