Reifen komplett kaputt?

Hallo, und zwar hab ich letztens ein paar donuts hingelegt( auf Privatgrundstück), und habe danach dies an meinem reifen entdeckt. Ich wollte fragen ob man das noch kleben könnte oder sonstiges, da es wenn ich es runterdrücke bzw halte es perfekt am reifen anliegt, oder ob 1000% ein neuer reifen hermuss.

Pirelli p zero runflat reifen

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8 months ago

Since you obviously don’t take it so accurately with legal provisions, I would say yes, that you can drive until winter or until the next Tüv. Anyway, if you don’t do donuts again. because then the tires are literally flat.

But seriously and without jux. With the best that can happen to you now is that you are stopped and it has points and fines.

Then it comes that the tires will make you slap before winter or the näcshten Tüv, and you just have a spare wheel if at all. i.e. you then ruin the rims next to the tires and have to be picked up with a tow truck with crane boom.

the worst scenario would be that you lose control of your vehicle on the highway, throw into a tanker car that comes up in flames, and you survive it in the opposite direction to your passenger. While you’re lying on the accident surgery for the next few weeks with heavy burns, both legs and an arm in the fixateur, you’ll have a lot of time to think about whether you can see the parents of your girlfriend who died next to you on the passenger seat and how you can deal with the damage.

However, I have a comfort for you. Your KFZ liability can and must not refuse the payment of the damage to all other injured persons and you will also not have to take over the entire damage, but only proportionally up to 5,000 € due to gross negligence.

Oh, yeah, good news. If, for example, you can’t afford the rates for your credit-funded car, lose your apartment… the chances that after the hospital stay you will be able to pay a few months or years at state costs in the pension to a wooden spoon are not bad.

In any case, I would be a prosecutor, someone who was on the highway with such tires and caused a deadly accident, complaining about negligent killing.

8 months ago

The tire is ready. Please have to replace the fastest. Otherwise it can not only become dangerous for you, but also for other road users.

8 months ago

The tire is definitely not to save anymore, it must be renewed as soon as possible. Wait no more day.

8 months ago

Every meter with the flaps is life-threatening. You qualify for higher payments to the state.

8 months ago

Just Pattex under it, that’s right.

8 months ago

Yep. Tires completely broken.

And all the way down.

Congratulations, you’ve qualified for buying a new tire set.


I wanted to ask if you could stick it or anything else,

You also think you can drive 20 km without oil, right?

8 months ago
Reply to  Spongeyigen27

Well, that’s so long until you drive the next time more than 10 km/h or on public roads.

8 months ago

Joa, this looks bad…

8 months ago
Reply to  Spongeyigen27

You can wait 6 months, only the car you can’t move one meter in that time

8 months ago

I want to keep n extra set ripening for so donuts

8 months ago

A little second glue is enough.

There’s some sort of troll question here, but yours aren’t bad parents.

8 months ago

He’s gone.

8 months ago
Reply to  Spongeyigen27

You can go to the next workshop. Even there, the police might be different.

8 months ago
