Reifen hinten riechen nach Gummi/ verbrannt?

Nach dem Parken ist mir aufgefallen, dass die Reifen hinten nach Gummi oder verbrannt riechen. Vor kurzem wurden die Bremsbacken + Radbremszylinder hinten erneuert, kommt das davon? Müssen sich die Reifen erstmal dran gewöhnen, weil die Bremsen neu gewechselt wurden?

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1 year ago

A tire does not have to get used to a new brake 🤣

I think that the brake was incorrectly assembled

1 year ago

Tyres smell like rubber, new tires more, older tires less.

But that doesn’t notice when you stand next to the car; you should smell right at the tire.

Probably you noticed the smell of a very hot brake.

This can have several reasons: With (partially) tightened hand brake or incorrectly mounted/set drum brake – disc brakes it can not be because you speak of brake shoes…

You’d have to take the car lifter, secure the car against rolling, don’t pull the hand brake and – only in the case of a rear drive – don’t take a gear.

Then you’ll get a rear wheel with the car lifter and try to make it easy to turn.

If not, go carefully to the workshop.

1 year ago

I’m going a lot out of it that it’s not on the tires, but someone was hooked on the brake.

You can see what gets warm but be careful

1 year ago
Reply to  xlaa945

That the brake may not have completely dissolved.

1 year ago
Reply to  xlaa945

You wrote that was working on the brake, and when it gets hot, the fitter was whipped

1 year ago

to the one who cuddled on it and complained

1 year ago

Sounds like the brakes are hot for me.