Reicht so viel Essen an einem Tag?
6 Uhr: Aufgestanden
6-13 Uhr: Nichts gegessen
13 Uhr: 200 Gramm Nudeln mit Gemüse, 3 Spekulatius
13:30-18:00 Uhr: Nichts
18 Uhr: Eine Banane, 3 Stücke Lasagne, insgesamt etwa 500 Gramm, Salat(Tomate, Gurke, Paprika, Zwiebel, Essig&Öl)
Ich trinke insgesamt etwa 3-4 Liter Wasser am Tag
I’m not going to give calorie numbers now, as I could imagine you might have a problem with eating.
In the end, you left breakfast. Lunch (while the 200g are confusing because you add something so dry and not boiled and 200g dry would certainly be 1.5 plates just noodles) depending on what kind of vegetables are quite average (maybe still with a sauce where you could get some protein out?). It’s okay. Right early dinner with fruit/ vegetables (always banana counts), 500g lasagna I mean 1.5 servings and a salad is quite a lot at once for a meal. But since you eat the day comparatively little, it’s not a problem. Maybe you should try to eat the banana more for breakfast, maybe also in a cereal and salad for lunch or in the afternoon
Without reckoning now, I’d say it’s too little.
If the noodles have weighed 200 grams in the boiled state, the calorie count naturally decreases very much by comparison with the raw weight. I guess about 150-200 calories
Your 6:00 food may bring you to 700-900 calories
You’re definitely under your basic sales today.
If you’re going to eat other days, that’s not a problem, then that’s the same.
In the long term, malnutrition can cause significant metabolic disorders which will not be so horny in the future.
Of course, if you eat between nothing, that’s not bad
as water shuts hunger I call what you called here a balanced meal for the day. I hope I could help you 🙂
lg. Stelli323
A day doesn’t say anything. Overall, it must fit.
Is actually so the whole week, with a few taking off
If you get along with it and your weight is okay, it seems to be enough.