Reicht mir 550W und ist die PSU gut?

Moin, sorry für die milionste psu frage, aber, ich habe ein intel xeon e5 2680v3 (120W) und ich kaufe mir eine 4060 (115W) (bitte nicht für die gpu und cpu haten, geld ist sehr knapp), jetzt habe ich die anderen Sachen ausgerechnet (2 ram riegel, mainboatd 1 m.2 ssd etc.), und bin auf 350-400W gekommen. Passt das oder habe ich was vergessen? das ist die psu. Aerocool LUX550 – PC-Netzteil (550 W, 12 V, 88% Wirkungsgrad, 80 Plus Bronze), Schwarz

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6 months ago

This is an F Tier power supply. So Note 6 according to the PSU animal list:

I would never buy a power supply under the Note D+. And D+ or C- PSUs only if I need to save every € & the calculator is more of the favorable variety.

Take the power supply if it is to be as cheap as possible (even if there is of course much better):

6 months ago

The power supply is loose from the wattage, your 400watts are already very generous.

But the power supply is not good, with such cheap parts it is always questionable whether all protective circuits work when they are used.
And they tend to fly more often. I find brand hate stupid, but I haven’t seen any meaningful power supply from Aerocool.
Here is a selection, less I would not spend for nen Gaming PC for a power supply.

But don’t let me interrupt the CPU that is now completely unfit for a gaming PC. The HEDT CPUs not only have an extremely low clock, but also high internal latency, both bad for gaming compared to identical consumer CPUs.
Even if most games are still running on it, you should decide if the CPU really likes, for such scrap hardware, unfortunately, it is made too often sweeping advertisements, so I want to have said that.

And the motherboards for this are all different from budget, or you’re taking part in such a funny Aliexpress, but that’s your problem if there’s something wrong.

6 months ago

So if your data on the CPU and GPU are correct, you can add 50w there (or if it is to be very generous, 100w). And come to your result from the total PC.

So if there’s something you say

The power supply has an 80+ bronze certification. It’s not the worst. I wouldn’t buy it. It will be rich.


6 months ago

I would choose that.

But to the configuration :

Why a Xenon? He can’t do anything for gaming and is just good for work. And for the price of the 4060 you get the stronger rx6750xt with 12gb vram.

I don’t have because you have little money. I have a pc that is not high end myself, but I critise that you could use the money better.

Have you already bought the Xenon and the 4060 and if no, what is your entire budget?