Reicht meine 600w psu?
mein Bruder hat mir eine 600w pure power 11 80+ Gold geschenkt. Allerdings habe ich angst, dass es jedoch zu wenig für meinen ersten gaming PC ist. Ich habe nicht vor zu overclocken und so. ich will nur 200+ fps in meinen lieblingsgames haben (valorant, r6,fortnite,cs2)
the power supply is easy for configuration. Have you already bought the components? If not, I’ll advise you to reconsider. There’s something in here for the money too:
Thank you.
Yes I’ve been lying here with me.
I just miss the CPU GPU and the motherboard. I’m happy to build him with my brother 🤗🤗
Then take at least one i5 13400F or i5 13600/14600
Is more than enough
Thank you.