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Hat es in Sibirien nur -3 grad ?? Da hat es ja normalerweise -60 grad oder so. Sogar Moskau hat -21 grad.
30 degrees stands with me in my Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren Boxershorts and I think underwear manufacturers should know how it gets clean and how the underwear will last as long as possible. At 50 minutes, however, I would have considered whether this is enough for cleanliness. With my cotton program, and my underwear is 100% cotton, it doesn’t even go. There are over two hours or the shorter program at about 1.47 hours. And I choose this at 30 degrees.
My No refers to the complete washing process, i.e. prewashing, main washing, several rinsing operations and spin coating. I also don’t know why you’re supposed to be handing around as a layman on the default settings of the washing machine manufacturer. It has optimised them with a lot of research and development.
That’s enough.
I’d be too little. And underpants and so should be washed at least 60 degrees, just as well as towels and bed linen
Not quite right. 60 degrees is unnecessary and you should pay attention to the label. There is very often 30 degrees (so also in my Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren Boxershorts) and I think underwear manufacturers should know how to clean it and keep the underwear as long as possible.
60 degrees are not unnecessary. Especially for towels and bed linen are 60 degrees important, or for cleaning cloths 90 degrees. Due to regular 90 degree laundry 1-2x monthly, the machine also remains cleaner and lasts longer
Bullshit. The manufacturers of clothes usually give a little less temp than the stuff to protect themselves from complaints of 200%. To this end, many modern machines at set 60 degrees only reach 45-50 degrees, some even not even 40.. And it depends on the material.
You just don’t understand. Underwear is usually not washed at 60 degrees because it breaks faster! It is often 30 degrees in the label and so it should be washed. 30 degrees means max. and not less. Washing machines, detergents and washing programs are designed to clean the underwear at 30 degrees! At 60 degrees it made the grandma and these times are long gone.
Yeah, underwear at 60 degrees. I wrote
Who can read is clearly in advantage. It’s about INDUSTRIAL. Bed linen and towels are also washed with 60 degrees.
That’s enough.
Sweet rich