Reicht einmal Händewaschen?

Hallo, ja die Frage ist dämlich.

Hab aber leider seit ich eine Hautpilzinfektion hab einen Waschzwang und wasche Dann immer ewig lang und mehrmals hintereinander Hände.

Reicht einmal gründlich Handwaschen aus?

Bei mir ist es schon soweit dass ich beim Duschen die Hände waschen nachdem ich das Areal mit der Infektion gewaschen hab.

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3 years ago

Since Corona I have noticed how extremely harmful hands wash for my skin is, as a good alternative to this, hand disinfection of sterilium has proved to be, so the hands almost do not dry out.

3 years ago
Reply to  GrandVoyager

We learned in social hygiene to wash hands almost only with water. Even soap can weaken the skin so that pathogens can occur here.

3 years ago
Reply to  krivor

Since Corona, I have tried many different soaps, liquid soaps and hand disinfectants, the best are the cheap fluid soaps brand of Lidl and Sterilium – hand disinfection (1L gives it already for 11€ and keeps ‘ewig’). While Corona I don’t want to clean up regular hands.

3 years ago

You should wash your hands as long as it takes to sing “Happy birthday”.


If, of course, you were shopping and coming home, you wash again.

But also EINMAL. That’s enough.

3 years ago

Hello Harikon

Aua, you got into the hygienic hall. This also happens to many other people who want to be “very clean” and forget that the skin is not a dead area like a kitchen floor, but normal from a florais protected. If this self-protection is very destroyed, there may be various problems with fungal attack, itching, eczema, etc.

Hopefully you’ve recognized it right soon, by washing it much, it gets worse. Only if the skin no longer has acid protection can a mushroom settle. So look in the link and make your skin healthy again!

Now immediately leave all soaps and disinfectants away! Understand that this hasn’t helped you yet, it just hurts the skin!

As First aid you are Organic seed also an ordinary Salates use. Take a vessel, enter 1 cm high vinegar and 10 cm high water. rub your hands with this mixture at first hour.

Let it dry with rubbing. Then a few drops neutral vegetable oil (Sunflowers, rapeseeds, grape seed oil…) massage easily. You will immediately feel how the skin recovers. If the skin feels better, you can limit the applications to 3 – 4 times a day.

With many main problems, this has really helped…

So protect your skin properly and don’t break it yourself!

Love greetings

3 years ago

if it is very thorough enough 1x?

3 years ago

It’s best to have a little shower.

3 years ago

With the many washers, you only make it worse because the skin is totally irritated and thus offers a good basis for attack for mushrooms.