Reicht eine TKL Tastatur aus?
Hallo reicht eigentlich eine TKL Tastatur bzw. hat man große einschänkungen dadurch (außer das halt deer Nummern Block weg ist)
Und ist das eine gute Tastatur ?
I find a TKL keyboard is perfect. I use TKL myself and find the keyboards size optimal. The missing number block does not restrict me and I have more space on the table than on a full-seat keyboard.
Well, that’s subjective. You have no number block, as you say.
Whether it’s bad or annoying, you can only decide for yourself.
Do you need/use the Num block regularly? I think this is the only question you have to ask in this context.
You’d rather buy a number block or?
Not necessarily. I like to use the Numblock. I don’t really need him.