Reicht der personalausweis reise Türkei mit dem Auto?
Ich möchte mit dem Auto in die Türkei fahren und möchte wissen ob der personalausweis ausreicht um in bestimmte Länder zu fahren.
Gibt es Länder wo ich Probleme bekommen könnte ohne Reisepass?
Vielen Dank für eure Antworten:)
Turkey: Travel documents
Entry is possible for German nationals with the following documents:
Notes/minimum validity:
Whether the identity card is on the route depends on the exact route.
The Federal Foreign Office shall provide information to each country separately.
The identity card is sufficient for all Laenders, which are crossed into the Tuerkei on a lively route from Germany. For entry to the Tuerkei too.
I would generally not travel abroad without a valid passport. I drove 5 times to the Czech Republic with a driver’s license. At the 6th time, a police officer wanted to see my passport and because I didn’t have one, I had to return.
Identity card has also been sufficient. However, a smooth border crossing paper must also be carried out within the EU during border crossing.
I’d rather recommend to the passport. you have to go through several countries