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As writes, the whole is a very thin device (not only in terms of construction).
I’ve picked up two devices that look expensive for the first time, but for a long time enough power to work reasonably.
The suggested by is also a very good device, with us is an older model of the series in use.
Yeah, that’s good.
However, I would rather take a used high end laptop.
a t14 gen2 of lenovo. that is clearly better.
Yeah, no problem. For normal office work, you do not need a particularly high performance of the computer.
Well with 8GB RAM you don’t get so far anymore and the CPU is also very weak
Look at the HP 255 G10 here, costs less and is clearly better
16GB Stick RAM for Dual Channel
Hello – as a mobile computer for office (office) work with only 8 gigabytes (plural) as a memory only to a limited extent, since the mobile (linking/link): Intel processor U300 8 megabytes buffer | up to 4.40 GHz product specifications is a Celeron processor! This (link/link): Intel Celeron – Wikipedia, you can read more & update/expand your knowledge with it! They’re not full processors!
The mobile Celeron (link): Intel processor U300 8 megabytes buffer | up to 4.40 GHz product specifications, supports up to 96 gigabytes on 2x memory modules as UDiMM’s (i.e. – without error correction – ECC). If the now 32 gigabytes of memory, it would have been an optimal mobile computer! Many programs already require extra 16 gigabytes from the memory for themselves! The rest, you can calculate yourself!
It also describes (link/link): EURONICS XXL Einbeck in Einbeck on its network side to the computer (link/link) Lenovo IdeaPad Slim 3 16IRU8 (82X8001SGE) 40.64 cm (16″) Notebook arctic grey | EURONICS XXL Einbeck in Einbeck“Technical details,” as if it had an extra GraKa, which is of course so wrong! The “Intel® UHD graphics for the 13th Generation of the Intel® processor” has 48 execution units & refers the buffer from the memory or from the 8 gigabytes!
Write as exactly what programs you want to use & how much EUR/€ you have planned for it! You can’t do anything wrong with that.
Until the days!