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Geht dass?
Hallo,ich wollte nur bald neue Lüfter kaufen aber ich wollte fragen ob ich die einfach dort hingeben kann oder ob sie sonst die Luft für die CPU weg nehmen Danke im voraus das blaue sollen die zukünftigen Lüfter sein:)
Welches Netzteil für I9 13900kf und 4090?
Hallo, Ich möchte mir in naher Zukunft einen Highend Gaming Pc bauen dazu fehlt mir nur noch das Passende Netzteil. Ich hätte gerne ein weißes Netzteil für meinen I9 13900kf und meine 4090 es sollte mindestens 1200 Watt haben. Könnt ihr mir eins empfehlen?
Rhb bei Pc?
Hallo, ich habe jetzt alle Pc Teile und baue zusammen. Jetzt noch eine Frage: wie stelle ich die Rgb von meinem Cpu kühler ein? Ich habe als kühler einen spartan 5 max argb und als Mainboard ein Gigabyte Gaming X V2 wenn das wichtig ist.
Was macht mehr aus ein besserer cpu kühler oder besserer thermal Paste?
Was würde die Temperatur mehr sinken
Brauch ich mehr Lüfter?
Alsooo… ich habe mir einen sehr guten fertig Pc bestellt. Als Gehäuse habe ich das h7 Flow von nzxt in dem Gehäuse sind zu Beginn nur 2 Lüfter. Ich habe eine 4080 und als Prozessor eine 14700kf. Ich habe eine gute Wasserkühlung von be quiet! Ist das ausreichend?
No – not close. Whatever “Endorfy” should be, this is a typical China bomber.. and also with a cheap Rgb fan. Take a Dark Rock 4
I honestly know a few people who have a case of them. Which is exactly what I can’t tell you right now, but they are completely satisfied. 😀
Can I confirm with my Endorfy Signum 300 ARBG. Good case, I just disturbed some of the filters in front, the fan hub and the cable situation
Endorfy is a well-known manufacturer of housings, coolers, etc. They’re from Poland.
Endorfy is a Polish manufacturer who has set himself in the budget. Makes really good products for their prices. The fans of Endorfy are either from their own construction or have got some branding, but the fans are really good after their own experience. Beautiful ARGB and also relatively quiet in operation. The Dark Rock 4 is three times as expensive as the Spartan. Of the better
Endorfy is actually a pretty good brand when you ask me
I think it was. 😀
No, for the 13600KF you should take something much stronger, it can swallow quite nicely
To the remaining confectionery:
The SSD is heavily overpriced, 10€ more and you get the Teracle T450 2TB
I would exchange motherboard for the significantly better ECS LEET Z790H7-A
Housing is a circulating air oven, there must be something better pure
Power supply is rather naja, does not even come from Seasonic itself. A few more euros you should spend
What do you mean comes not even from seasonic itself have seen in videos that should be very good about it 😀
The power supply is made by Hellytech, an OEM as it is actually also Seasonic. But the G12 GC/GM would be too expensive they would make Seasonic themselves, so outsourcing
Of course you can use it. This is quite mad with power supplies, from the data sheet (in most cases) no statements can be made as to whether what is deaf
The G12 GC/GM is missing, for example, OTP (overtemperature protection), the fan is a Yate Loon with cheap sleeve bearings (near fast to clacking) and the caps are cheap products from Ltec, AsiaX and ChengX with life expectancy of only 2000h @ 105°C
But why is that bad you can’t use the net?
If he would fit the motherboard, surely.
He doesn’t.
Can you tell me what you see? Thanks in advance
You should also check your SSD (PCIe 3.0 x4). Your motherboard also has a Samsung Pro 980 or 990 (PCIe 4.0 x4) or another manufacturer.
I think so
How are you gonna take off 180 watts?
I think that’s overrated. With this gaming PC, the CPU is not constantly running to 100%. I never had any problems with temperatures and I always bought the CPU coolers cheaply. The housing plays a greater role here.