Reicht das für 7 Personen?
Hi, es geht um die Heiligabend Essens Planung. Dieses Jahr haben sind wir statt 4, 7 Personen! Wir essen Fondue, und haben statt 2, 2,3 kg eingekauft! Reicht das für 7 Personen? Mal angenommen sind alle sehr hungrig, reicht das? Wir haben Vorspeise und Nachtisch mit Eingeplant.
If it was too much in the last few years, yes. If it has just been enough, then definitely more! Would say 3.5 or 3.7 KG.
but you can vary if there are small children.
That’s too little. 300 g more to buy is sweatless. If you buy for 4 2000 you need 7 3500. MATHE.
Yes, but expertise is much more helpful here. There has been a lot left in recent years, and the question is whether it is enough.
With expertise I say NO!!
If you have one, it’s true.
says the net.
I personally find it a little short.
I would expect 250 – 300g of meat per person and 200g supplements.
Not applicable Appetizer and main dish should work for normal eaters.
If your guests are very hungry, it will be close.
Meat? 300 gr are a normal portion.
Whether it’s enough, it depends on how attractive your appetizers are desserts and so on.
About 300 grams per person is not sooo much now