Reicht bei einem Rezept vom Arzt auch der Stempel aus?
War gestern bei der Apotheke wollte mein Medikament abholen aber die Dame meinte Sie könnte es mir nicht geben da die Unterschrift fehlt ich denke mir halt meine Ärztin wird sich dabei schon was gedacht haben
No, it’s not enough. The signature must be on it and it seems to have been forgotten.
Once again have been confirmed that only the stamp is not enough so the lady has responded correctly now has added better to watch so that this does not happen my doctor has probably forgotten this because I was too early there again you can see that we are making mistakes and that is okay and you should not always rely on the others but also do what yourself ^^^
Something should not happen. Without signature, pharmacies are not allowed to issue drugs. Personally, I always make it that I read my recipes carefully whether everything is true and of course also signed. I’m saving a lot of trouble.
Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve happened the next time, I’ll see
No. The prescription must be signed by the doctor.
Then it was apparently forgotten.
The recipe is not valid without signature.
Mist helps nix to go again
First of all, what I’m prescribed counts among the BtMG is clear that it won’t be given out