Reicht aller 3 Wochen eine Reitstunde?
Ich kann mir wegen den hohen Kosten nur alle drei Wochen eine reitstunde leisten. Also ich kann schon reiten und muss jetzt nicht sonderlich viel dazu lernen.Da eine Freundin (wohnt 4 Stunden entfernt) von mir zwei Pferde hat und wir wenn ich bei ihr bin größtenteils auf dem Gelände reiten, muss ich jetzt nicht irgendwie zielstrebig „Tricks“ lernen. Ich will es einfach nur nicht verlernen, damit wenn ich bei ihr bin nicht immer von vorne anfangen muss. Denkt ihr das reicht?
does not have to learn a lot about this
Uh, this isn’t for your riding. Meat transport? But a good riding lesson every three weeks is better than no riding lesson.
Right now that my horse is retired in the distant SAuerland, I like to watch my (former) RL during class. Then when she teaches my girlfriend. She explains a lot of what happens when the inner hind leg does not come under the center of gravity and since she works with headset, I can also see everything she says and understand it acoustically. It is very interesting and I always notice that you never learn when riding. Never.
Why not? Not everyone wants S*** rides… if the basics sit and they can ride a horse properly, it’s enough if they ride “only”. In case of errors, other riders usually report themselves entirely by themselves. In order to be able to implement their findings or to avoid any further errors, it gets a riding hour every couple of weeks, where it can then specifically address the identified problems.
You obviously have other end goals.
No, not really. I never wanted to go to tournaments, even I just wanted to go to the bush, but I didn’t just want to be “meat transport” because that would have hurt my horse. I think that every animal-loving rider has the duty to learn to ride so well that a horse can carry you without any problems. If you can, you don’t ride a piaffe for a long time.
that does not speak for the riding of the questioner because what she describes has nothing to do with riding.
It’s not really enough.
It is simply too little for little guided leisure riders (nationals).
Someone who travels regularly monitored and instructed, gets clear. If he works on his weaknesses every three weeks and is guided so far in the other time that it will no longer become or develop new ones.
Here is the biggest mistake in your assumptions. Especially in the terrain, horse riding must be perfect, no one has to take into account a horse, but the rider must master his horse perfectly at any time, so that he does not bother, damage or hurt anyone.
It’s quite clear to judge, you don’t have to learn much more. You never learn and even the professionals take riding lessons to constantly develop.
Taking riding lessons every three weeks is sufficient to not learn the learned, but to keep going definitely not.
Of course, this is clear in every thing that you have never learned, but as you can understand in context, you realize that I mean that my basics are enough for me and my goals and I don’t necessarily have to learn something about it if I just jump over the fields of thunder and hold on the riding ground with my best friend, and this is only when your mother (professional jumper and riding teacher) is involved.
if it’s enough to throw over fields is great.
Isn’t that the horse? gymnastic riding is completely overrated, ll.
now we’ve already landed when jumping – I’m waiting for the commentary, where you’re riding a few little tournaments. of course only up to the class L…
That wasn’t meant bad either. Here in the forum there are only, unfortunately, very many users who think they would have to take riding lessons only 1x a month with frightening semi-knowledge and are also resistant to teaching, prestige and insulting.
For me, however, the fields of “donor” do not necessarily testify to competence. You don’t heat in the grounds when you love the life of the horse.
Anyway, you can now be online without a device arm braking you…
I don’t even want to say that there are no good answers here. But it can be hard to find them.
I’m actually out of the dog area and all the other issues here, because I’ve met such people there.
Yes, it has happened to me that the word is twisted in my mouth or everything is placed on the gold scale, which I say, I don’t think it’s okay, but I agree. It is just as everywhere that the anonymity of the Internet encourages many to cross personal boundaries. This applies to both sides – questioners and answerers.
I’m getting involved again and again as I leave steam here after an annoying day. I was told that it was too rabiat now. I apologized and it was good.
I don’t want to introduce myself to everyone here now, can only speak for me around my perception, but I think a polite and factual way of dealing has to be…even if you always like to react with trolls to anger.
I see that something different. The worst ceremonies rule and look for the riot. These are often the community experts.
How much hatred I’ve already got, just because I’ve raised disorders or because I’ve named facts that nobody wants to hear? Unfortunately, this is not the case. I would like to explain and I am sure that this can be more intensive than many others because of my training. If there is a mistake with me or I should consider an aspect insufficiently, then I also expect that one will explain at a certain level (and not only towed up zig sources, which read correctly, but do not at all confirm the opinion) and not to blame me “from above” without any justification.
At least in the RL you can talk kindly to each other…
In my first semester, my professors thought that everyone who takes this platform seriously should immediately exmatricate.
I had to make bad experiences on various topics including the horse area. Therefore, I have tried to act legally against such users immediately.
So general, you can’t say that now. Of course, GF is a platform where everyone can share their experience, opinion, thought and so on. Many here have years of experience and want to share them. But, as always, it is so that we can only build on statements that are asked as a question. Something can be misunderstood or get sharper than thought.
Only those who are falling out or showing themselves unintentionally get that back in a certain way.
I have met here a great community, from which I have not always implemented everything, but have learned a lot and experienced new perspectives, but have also been critical of my person or attitude. That is also good and constructive criticism is also accepted by me.
Here in the forum there are also some who spend on something they are not – in any Directions.
Being faultless? Not at GF, because it’s too triggering.
By the way, there are also many experts here, who would at least really have to be bullshit. Not because they want to spread any false information here, but because they don’t know better in the RL either. If anything happens strange, you should therefore always get a second real opinion or research on reliable pages, i.e. not ask here.
Tricks…? Can you ride a horse in such a way that the back comes up and the HH gets under the focus? Every leg individually “control”? You got the horse on the seat? No? Then take urgent lessons!
Sit up and don’t fall down, left, right, hold and forward is not able to ride that is letting you take. Not hard for the rider, but unhealthy for the horse.
2 jumps, and every horse on which I was whether a leisure horse or a good one from the riding instructor have always listened to me. And most importantly I can deal with horses the buckles but also with which one if it becomes too boring to make them something more exciting. I’ve always been ridden rarely, but if so every day over 3 weeks and there you learn a bit in 10 years. And of course it can also be ground work
2.. and not two jumps jump
there’s nothing you can learn because you can’t ride. stay up without falling down is no ride.
who can ride it doesn’t say it and whoever claims it can’t. be cheerful that it’s enough for a little bit. when it makes fun and the horses make it with – why not.
never without a helmet. never without matching shoes.
Yes, that’s enough, I’ll go about 2-4 times a year and don’t learn. I just don’t want a two-year break or something.
Nee, you should see that you can ride 1 x a week, otherwise your body will say “aua” again every time… and it actually brings nix…
Do you think about a riding share?