Reicht 2x woche kickboxen training?

Ich trainiere 2x die Woche Kickboxen seit 2 Jahren. Mein Trainer meint ich kann es gut, aber die Mitgliedschaft ist teuer , deshalb kann ich nicht öfter trainieren . Also kann ich trotzdem professionell werden? Und aufsteigen im Kampfsport ?

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1 year ago

I don’t like to tell you, but two times a week is the minimum to stay on the stand you’re on. This is absolutely not enough for a career in the field of performance/professional. If you really strive for this goal, you will have to find a solution.

To have a comparison:

You’ll get out at two training sessions in the week with something between 3 and 5 hours of training.

Professional fighters and fighters in the higher amateur area come only in rare cases under 20 hours a week.

Sorry, but I don’t want to lie to you either.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sebhul

I find the model of your club generally a bit strange

membership is expensive, so I cannot train more often.

The common model is actually a fixed monthly amount by which you can train as often as it is offered. As I understood, you would have to pay extra to train.

1 year ago

To become a professional, the 2x dze week will unfortunately not be enough. It’s enough right now. If you’re good, you can do amateur fights with two times a week and some extra workout at home. But if you want to go the next step, you need to train more often.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sebhul

So professional trains more than 10-12 units a week.

1 year ago

In short, no. That’s just enough not to get worse, but it’s not.