What is the value of a 1908 Reichsbanknote?

Hello everyone,

Tomorrow I'm going to a coin dealer, as we still have some old coins and banknotes. I wanted to find out about possible prices and values ​​in advance. I've come across some very high prices for the 100-Mark Reichsbank note from February 7, 1908. How much would you say this note is worth? We have three notes from 1908 and one from 1914.

Best regards

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10 months ago

These bills are unfortunately cheap mass goods.

On Ebay they are offered from 1 €,

On flea markets this is also only 1 € item.

This is nothing that makes a collector’s heart beat higher.

10 months ago
Reply to  Bronzezeitler

To do this in a bad condition.

10 months ago


I can’t recognize any value at all! Sometimes things are bought for 1-2 euros, because they are simply missing in the collection, but they are already paid for “value” when you calculate the postage.

On eBay you can enter prices as desired. Look at the 2€ coins (signs or misprints)

The coins are worth 2€ and are partially offered for 4 digits.