Reichen 2100€ Netto um die Kosten zu decken?
Ich verdiene die oben genannte Summe und ziehe demnächst um. Die neue Wohnung kostet mich 625€ warm. Hinzu kommen die Kosten für mein Auto (165€ Versicherung), mein Motorrad (120€ Versicherung) und der wöchentliche Einkauf, der mit 600€ zu buche schlägt.
You missed Mathe, didn’t you?
Especially since I don’t need 600 euros per month for food with a four-headed household and 3 cats.
2.1 Net? I’ve almost got it when I’m on time (32h). As a single in itself enough money only come up charite, reserves etc on top of it, so it would be narrow
You’d have 590€ left. Your bill still lacks the fuel, reserves for the reperatures, other unplanned purchases such as Medis. The money’s gone very quickly.
from my point of view ne 600€ apartment is feasible if you take back at the weekly purchase. You can also purchase very well with 200€ per month and get very well. Reduce these costs and then work better.
But as you called your numbers, it would be scarce monthly. The most important are reserves. If su can’t build them, you live on your condition.
If you had spent 600€ per week/invested you would already be monthly at more than 2100€…
600×4.33 =~2600€
+ 910€ for other costs would be at 3.5k…
That’s enough.
Sure, enough.
Dear Jens, your bill still lacks the fuel for vehicles you don’t have as we all know. There is also electricity, various insurance companies such as household and liability.
I don’t know what you’re stuffing in you, but with 600€ you can get a 4-headed family all month long
Nowadays you don’t have to go to work under 3k Euro net/month. :